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Horrors Unbound [Spoilers within. Read at own risk.]

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ARISE THREAD, LONG SINCE DEAD!!! ARI- Look. I'm necroing it. Anyways. I plan on continuing with this story. For now. Enjoy a short snippet of Charlie's thoughts.


To gain an ally, especially amongst survivors was difficult to say the least. But with a thorough plan, Charlie knew at least two who could be persuaded to her side. One would be simple enough, relishing at the opportunity she wished to provide. As for the other....the old Codex Umbra had a page that would be of much interest to her.

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MAN this took forever. Anywho. Enjoy.


Chapter 10: Machinations


Charlie felt she was in the right place. The camp she was in had the usual fixings: Science machine, fire pit, drying racks, the works. But there was an unnatural precision to the entire place, all done too meticulously to be done by any human hands. Each rock of the fire pit was a perfect sphere of identical size to each other. The branches of the drying racks were carved into straightened poles, free of any bump or bend. Even the grass beneath her had been cut into a uniform length, now resembling carpet more than grass. Charlie was no pushover but Maxwell had regarded this survivor as dangerous, perhaps the most dangerous. She pulled out her pipe, striking a light to calm her nerves. She drew a few puffs, allowing the sweet nicotine to fill her before exhaling.


The loud crunch of the grass alerted Charlie to a rapidly approaching threat. From behind her, a bronze humanoid charged her, axe in hand ready to kill. Charlie watched, unflinching, as he approached and swung. The axe head went through her form as if it were smoke. "WHAT TRICKERY IS THIS, FLESHLING." The bronze man spoke. Charlie adjusted her dress. "Ah. WX-78. Just the machine I wanted to see." She extended a hand to shake its but the robot swung its axe, going through her once again. "You should give up. You can't touch me." She shoved WX onto the ground. "But I can touch you. Now listen. You hate fleshlings and I have some fleshlings I want to get rid of. So what say we help each other out?"


"WHY WOULD I HELP YOU." the bronze man questioned. Charlie grinned widely, eying the piked heads behind the machine. "Because killing humans is a lot more fun than killing animals. So what do you say?" The earth shook beneath them as a fissure opened up beside Charlie. "Are you willing to go down the rabbit hole?" The robot didn't move. "Even if I am tricking you, what have you to lose? I can make you do things that purely entertain me. I'm offering you a chance at something you enjoy." WX silently put a miner hat onto its head and hopped into the fissure. Charlie watched as the earth closed behind the machine. "One hunter down, one to go." Charlie whispered as her form vanished.


Riddle me this, readers. What does blood, lightning, witchcraft, occult magic and a sewing kit all have in common?

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