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Extra falling debris solutions

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This is something I've been on/off with for... actual years at this point.
I present a concept, not a finalized finished idea or anything, and especially not one with finalized art/visualizes. I'd rather focus be on the item concepts than the visual flair. I simply cannot provide ideas without visuals these days.

Foremost is the mast upgrade. I really like the mast upgrades, they're neat. This idea isn't years old, I actually meant to share this at the start of the beta, but alas. It'd essentially work as a boat wide shelter, much akin to tree shade.
I reckon it'd be early-to-mid game, being mast locked. I don't imagine it'd be outclassed, or outclass giant trees as it'd be more in use whilst you're actually sailing. Materials, cost, and alike are TBD.
(Cloth is for visual clarity. Boats will still move freely with the upgrade as they would without, it just takes the upgrade slot.)

As for the other, I had first thought up of this concept years back, but I hadn't enough reasons to justify the effort or work that'd go into it at the time.
Between then and now, the amount of airborne falling threats have sorta doubled. Is it a lot? Not really, but we've got some hard hitting ones currently. I've been wanting an item to allow catching said threats on the go for a long time now. I think we're reaching a point where it might not be too out there, ahaha.

Basic idea: Worn item (slot TBD) that can collect falling debris. Stuff like earthquakes, lunar hail, SeaWeed Burrs, etc.
Whether it'd have slots of its own or just dump them into your inventory is undecided.

TLDR: I want to see if people are interested in more obscure ways of collecting/protecting from failing debris.


Bonus: This one. It was ugly. Laugh at it.


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5 minutes ago, -Variant said:

the mast upgrade.

My question to you is would the sail be still usable or are the survivors just roping the sail up to the top with extra rope so it's just protective canvas on top

7 minutes ago, -Variant said:

Whether it'd have slots of its own or just dump them into your inventory is undecided.

Maybe it could have a slot that fills up and has to be emptied

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1 minute ago, gamehun20 said:

My question to you is would the sail be still usable or are the survivors just roping the sail up to the top with extra rope so it's just protective canvas on top

9 minutes ago, -Variant said:

Yes, I'll edit it a bit to make that clear. The other option sounds funny though, but I had envisioned it as being mobile protection whilst out at sea. And as shade usually does, it'd help prevent over heating in Summer. 

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@-Variant Hmmm... the hats would be useful. That one Wilson is wearing is def hitting the DST ridiculous-vibe sweet-spot. But I keep thinking about this one Willow is wearing...

2 Broken Shells + 2 Rope + 1-2 Boards = a Catcher Cap... or a Bucket Beanie... Bucket Hats ARE a thing... that could work... either way, I'm digging them.

And you're saying the Mast-opy functions as both a Mast and a protective Canopy while at sea...?

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Creative and great ideas, specially the hat one! love the design.

The mast upgrade can really help with ocean travels during spring and summer (provided they act as shades for both rain and heat) but i wonder how they would interact with sea weeds? does it block their attack too? Do they take damage from attacks? what about hail?
Also since they can work as small land shades due to the fact that ,other than on boats, masts can also be placed on solid ground and they would still work as an alternative to land shades. so they kind of become mandatory to build.

Also some questions to be asked about hats:
Wearing them during rain/snow raises the question of whether they increase the rate of wetness absorption or not? 
Do the hats lose their durability per item gathered or is it calculated some other way?

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1 hour ago, Golden Daemon said:

would interact with sea weeds? does it block their attack too? Do they take damage from attacks? what about hail?

I considered this, I don't even think Sea Weed projectiles reach high enough to the mast top to be considered a threat.
I didn't envision any sort of damage or degradation, following the formula of other mast upgrades mainly surviving to be boat oriented side-grades of existing solutions.

I think them working on land is fine, they're not as compassing as Above Average Trees and I suspect the cost of the upgrades and the mast alone would make for a sensible amount of effort to be put into for their worth.

1 hour ago, Golden Daemon said:

Wearing them during rain/snow raises the question of whether they increase the rate of wetness absorption or not? 
Do the hats lose their durability per item gathered or is it calculated some other way?

Good question! Hadn't thought about rain, ahah, I don't think it'd matter but it making you wet faster would totally be funny.
I hadn't set any specific durability since I imagined the slots would be limited, say, for example, 3. Once they're filled with stacks or so, you start taking damage again.
You'd either wear the hat and collect and maintain the inventory management, or ditch the hat if you don't have the collection, risking the damage.

If that proves troublesome, I figured the best way would be a higher amount of durability that actively does down per collect. Think Void Clock with how it drops if it has items in it, can be stored if empty.

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1 hour ago, -Variant said:

I think them working on land is fine, they're not as compassing as Above Average Trees and I suspect the cost of the upgrades and the mast alone would make for a sensible amount of effort to be put into for their worth.

True, but the main difference is that while AAT's can only be grown in the ocean tiles(so they can only cover ground that are located near ocean), the masts can be built almost anywhere ,even in caves (which will have their own set of problematic interactions to consider).

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10 hours ago, -Variant said:

Yes, I'll edit it a bit to make that clear. The other option sounds funny though, but I had envisioned it as being mobile protection whilst out at sea. And as shade usually does, it'd help prevent over heating in Summer. 

I really like this tbh, I think it’d be very fun if ocean bases were a viable counter to summer wildfires. Setting up camp in the caves for summer is fun, but I’d love to switch it up a bit and set up camp on a boat for summer instead; I’ve never really had much reason to set up an actual boat-base otherwise.

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