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if seasons affected lunar hail, it'd be infinetly more interesting

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because right now it's kinda eh. i mean, on the ambience side, it's amazing. just knowing that your world in changing in a major scale because GLASS IS RAINING FROM THE SKY is pretty awesome, but on the gameplay and mechanic side of things, it kinda falls short

i feel like a substantial change to it right now might not happen, since there are like a million other awesome things in this update to fix/change, but i felt like sharing a piece of my mind

for example, autumn would have the current lunar hail that we have right now, just glass falling from the sky

winter could have lunar blizzards, where temperatures drop more than they would usually and your screen would have an overlay (like sandstorms). you'll be enlightened and slowed a tiny bit if you're not wearing goggles or a brightshade helmet, and it would cause a static glass buildup on trees' leaves, and if you chop 'em you have a slight chance of getting moon glass (they would probably last between half to a full and 1/2 day at most, usually telegraphed by the player telling you a storms a' brewin')

spring could have hailstorms, where it would rain hail heavily for longer and multiple lightning strikes would happen rapidly (kinda like monsoon season), but with a small chance that each lightning strike would be replaced with a charged glass lightning strike from the moonstorms. ponds could also gradually build up lunar energy in lunarstorms and mutate, so bright-eyed frogs would spawn while rifts are active

and summer could have moon winds, where the gradual buildup of lunar energy on the ground over the seasons would start to levitate back to the sky, so the player's temperatures would rise and lower faster depending if you are cooling off or heating up. during this, nights would glitter with the glass speckles in the air, and there would be a tiny, tiny chance that a moongleam would spawn from the energy (it'd also probably last between half to a full and 1/2 day)

i dunno if i could get my point across with this post, i'm not a game designer and stuff, but what i wanted to do is make it more interesting by adding more interactions the player can have with the mechanic, instead of the mechanic being one-sided where it can only harm the player. this was pretty lenghty, so if ya read it, thanks. and let me know what you guys think about this :)

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21 hours ago, -Variant said:

Blizzards? More seasonal threats and changes? More drastic seasonal world alterations?

I can already picture it. People on the forums complaining about blizzards because it felled 2 decorative trees on the corner of the map without any functional structures, but they still call it "base" for some reason. "This isn't a challenge. It's just annoying".

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24 minutes ago, maxwell_winters said:

I can already picture it. People on the forums complaining about blizzards because it felled 2 decorative trees on the corner of the map without any functional structures, but they still call it "base" for some reason. "This isn't a challenge. It's just annoying".

Rifts already do this.

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1 hour ago, maxwell_winters said:

I can already picture it. People on the forums complaining about blizzards because it felled 2 decorative trees on the corner of the map without any functional structures, but they still call it "base" for some reason. "This isn't a challenge. It's just annoying".

Shipwrecked already kinda did this if I remember correctly, trees just have a chance to fall due to strong wings. Ultimately I don't think anyone would really care, unless it's a lunar tree as those are kind of a pain to plant.

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