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The future of Wickerbottom

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I need to express three small suggestions based upon my extensive experience playing Wickerbottom, that could hopefully make her a lot more enjoyable when her skill tree comes up.

  1. She needs a way to repair her books on the go. It could be a passive slower than the library, or just outright using papyrus to fix them. It doesn't have to be better than leaving them at the library, just allow her to have more freedom, so she doesn't have to stay near the library to use her perks most of the times. Some books can be re crafted from the drops of what their effects give (SleepytimeStories, On tentacles) but most of the new ones can't, so since we can't re-make them cheaply, we need a way to repair those mostly when we want to use them away from base.
  2. She needs something that strongly differentiates her casting from Maxwell. I suggested that when she is above certain sanity level, her books and most magic casting consume much less sanity (sort of like a magic shield based on sanity) but some people expressed their concern that such power would again be useless once you get the bone helmet.
    So it could also very well be a way to empower her casting -like at the forge event- or something new entirely. I feel its quite unfair her only purpose currently, is just a small step in Maxwell's power evolution (despite the fact that I love Maxwell as a character)
  3. Give "The End is Nigh" a purpose, other than killing other players or to create the fire absorbing book. It could very well deal stunning electric damage to non-boss enemies in an area, or some other crowd control use. It doesn't have to be OP, just anything different to what we have now.
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I definitely agree with all those suggestions.

Regarding point 2, I think it would be neat if Wickerbottom had an effect similar to her ability in The Forge where her spells power up when she meets a certain requirement. In The Forge it was for dealing enough damage, but in the base game it could be whenever you cast above a sanity threshold (maybe 85% or 95%).

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A branch that would speed up reading  would be really nice too. 

A branch focused on Lux Aeterna like bigger radius/longer duration and even small sanity regen while in the light? 

A line of skills maybe that turns max HP into sanity! Ive been playing with a mod that lets me change her stats to 300 sanity and 75 HP and its been really fun! 

Upgrades in potency for Arachnophobia would also be nice. 

an upgrade for Pyrokinetics perhaps that extinguishes truly all fire including dlfy’s lavaes and klaus’ fire spell!

I think her skill tree has the potential to be really huge but still only 15 max points so each Wickerbottom can be specialized in a couple of books! 

If new books r on the table, the only one thats really missing is a book on Mineralogy. Its unfitting for a librarian to have no knowledge on this branch of science. This book would cover stuff like growing marble trees and salt formations and petrifying evergreens. 

I really hope her Lunar alignment is gonna be interesting. Something related to Enlightenment would be awesome and/or making Lux Aeterna’s light circle repel nightmares!

Shes THE lunar survivor imo considering the crazy high synergy she has with all lunar content and how independent from shadow magic and ancient pseudo science u can be if u tame a beefalo (except lazy forager/explorer :lol:).

8 hours ago, ShadowDuelist said:

She needs a way to repair her books on the go.

I would not say no to this but i do kinda appreciate the uniqueness of her books in this regard. If this sorta thing happens it should most definitely be exclusive to Wickerbottom and not shared by Maxwell. 

During her refresh i had the idea for a Book Binder’s Station. It would allow you to combine two of the same books to get one with double durability. Eventually u could have a single Apicultural Notes in ur inventory that has like 30 max uses with this for example, kinda bypassing the need to repair on the go. 

8 hours ago, ShadowDuelist said:

Give "The End is Nigh" a purpose,

Yup. Definitely. I would actually appreciate it if this want tied to a skill though :-/ 

But maybe as part of her Lunar alignment it could make tEiN functional in Moon Storms, like summoning charged moonglass lightning strikes and moon gleams! 

I also still love @HowlVoid’s idea of giving struck evergreens a chance to turn into tree guards. Would make up for the lost Applied Horticulture dead evergreens tech. 

Theres a mod on the workshop that makes some mobs panic for a bit when theyre hit by tEiN (without lighting them on fire and only 10 dmg per strike). Completely fits the theme of an apocalyptic book. ive had fun approaching triple mctusk with this and killing stuff like spider queens. 


Ever since i found the stat change mod and a mod that increases the potency a bit of Lux, arachno and tEiN (my biggest issues during the refresh) ive been really content with Wickerbottom and been having a lot of fun also thanks to the new brightshade gear. 

I hope her skill tree will add some interesting options that open up new strategies without stuff like “reading no longer summons nightmares”.. Some focus on her character would be nice. I would not complain about a catcoon taming skill for example lol if it introduced some new possibilities. 

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3 hours ago, Evelo said:

How about give her a downside while you're at it since we are doing re-refreshes via skill trees now...

Yes. This could be a downside via a perk: a perk that has a good upside but also a downside.

Her health downside is minor. The only thing of consequence that I’ve experienced is that she gets one-shot by the big ink blight at full health with armor (no planar armor).

And her insomnia is irrelevant.

She seems to have a downside of spawning extra shadow creatures when she bottoms out her sanity. But if that is just from reading books then it’s not really a downside per se (it’s triggered by the player and not something you have to deal with even outside of reading books).

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As her main would like a diverse game with the help of skills, taking into account past mistakes when she gets a skill tree, and so that they are more tied to Wikerbottom, and not to her books, so as not to repeat the situation with the fact that she is just a replacement for another character without having her merits..


What's wrong with the left eye, lol (I'll put it in the bug tracker)

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I think every skill in the tree should be a book. I would also like Wickerbottom to be able to create an object thanks to which only MAXWELL would not lose his mind from reading books.  

I also think that Wurt should be added the ability to use books for real and without wasting reason 

I just play as Maxwell and Wurth and it seems to me profitable.


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12 hours ago, Danila6300 said:

I think every skill in the tree should be a book. I would also like Wickerbottom to be able to create an object thanks to which only MAXWELL would not lose his mind from reading books.  

I also think that Wurt should be added the ability to use books for real and without wasting reason 

I just play as Maxwell and Wurth and it seems to me profitable.


I'll tell you what, they should remove the ability for maxwell to read books. Hee hee hee har! :evil: :evil: :evil: 

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Most likely, Wickerbottom's lunar and shadow devotion skills will be associated with books, like Woody, who has these two skills help him better interact with his curse.
I think the shadow skill would give the Wicker regeneration of books with a sanity below 15%, that is, in madness.
And the lunar skill worked only with a sanity above 85% (or for simplicity more than 200), that is, during Lunacy. And he could give free use of the book with a sanity above 85%, or reduce its spending by 2.5 times or more. Which will give the players a Wicker choice, to get the regeneration of books during madness or to get the effects of spells almost for free having a full sanity.


sorry for the machine translation, I'm not a native speaker.


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