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How can I tame a steam geyser without atmo suits?

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Strategy 1: Wait. It'll flood itself or go dormant eventually. Then just avoid making your dupes touch the hot water while you build.

Strategy 2: Brute force. Build a triage bed for every builder and send them in for a scaldin'. This sounds bad, but the trick is to start by building a shell out of normal tiles over the geyser to contain it, and then overwrite those normal tiles with insulated tiles. Once the geyser is contained, build your tamer and then crack it open again.

Strategy 3: Bury it or flood it. If you get lucky, you'll be able to find some mud or sand somewhere above the geyser. Otherwise, drain a pool of water onto it. So long as you block the emitting tile (see below), the geyser/vent will stop emitting.


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If it's a Hot Steam Vent, then DON'T, unless you are truly desperate for water, they make way too much heat, uncork it and build a tamer over it once it is dormant.

As for a Cool Steam Vent, I normally do a half-assed taming in the early game which involves making a condenser cold plate that the steam condenses on and drips below, looks something like this:

Initially the Cool Steam Vent water will be cooled by the terrain to well below scalding temperature so you can safely build insulated tiles for the cistern, just make the Pump out of Gold Amalgam or Steel so it doesn't overheat.

The cold plate can easily just dump heat into terrain for quite a while. In the long term this is upgraded into a proper build simply by cooling the cold plate, in the above screenshot I'm performing this cooling by running 30 C polluted water from a Polluted Water Vent behind it, but you can also use an ST/AQ, and it only needs about a third the capacity of an ST/AQ so you don't even need a dedicated setup, just run the loop behind it. And a nice thing about the cold plate build is it doesn't really matter how cold the cold plate is because it's not in contact with the hot water, only very briefly as the steam condenses, so if I have a 15 C base cooling loop I can just run that behind the cold plate.

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Cool steam is doable but tricky. You either have to build only in idle, or better in dormant. But waiting for dormant could already take too long. So the few times I did this was by encapsulating the vent very fast and then waiting for it to go idle. Depending on the situation, I also put cool water in there first (basin above) to get things below 72C. That works pretty well. 

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On 11/21/2022 at 11:44 PM, Gurgel said:

Cool steam is doable but tricky. You either have to build only in idle, or better in dormant. But waiting for dormant could already take too long. So the few times I did this was by encapsulating the vent very fast and then waiting for it to go idle. Depending on the situation, I also put cool water in there first (basin above) to get things below 72C. That works pretty well. 

TLDR triage cot ftw then wait.

Love it, I do it like that too

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