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Is oxygen actually a waste product

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Contrary to the game's title, and especially in late(r) game basis I get the impression that there are not that many useful applications for it. It just sits there and I end up venting it. Yes you need it for rockets, but as far as I see it, the limiting factor here is LH2.

I have seen hints/suggestions about O2 being useable for other purposes but I fail to see the large scale use if it.

So what do you do with your excess O2? Vent it like me?

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In the early game, you may want to use hydrogen power beyond that produced as a side effect of operating a SPOM for making oxygen. In this case the oxygen is a waste.

In the mid game the oxygen can be used to make Oxylite, though the power requirements are not small, like if you're playing Super Sustainable rules and mainly using hydrogen power, you'd probably be venting a lot of oxygen to get enough hydrogen to run the process.

In the late game there's a vast disparity between the hydrogen and oxygen usage of rockets. Unlike IRL, in ONI rockets burn a lot more fuel than Oxidizer, with a Hydrogen Engine burning a 4:1 ratio of Liquid Hydrogen to Liquid Oxygen, while an Electrolyzer produces hydrogen and oxygen in a 1:8 ratio, so you actually discard about 97% of the oxygen produced by the electrolyzers when making rocket propellant. 

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Bees + saturn critter traps = hydrogen explosion. Do you even use saturn critter traps? Do you know that they produce insane amount of hydrogen? Like bonkers amount of hydrogen?

While growing, the Saturn Critter Trap produces hydrogen. The hydrogen is produced and stored internally at a rate of 167g every 4 seconds (25kg per cycle). When the plant has accumulated 33.3kg of hydrogen is released into it's environment.

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