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Whats the point of wurts character anymore?

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12 hours ago, Mysterious box said:


when characters start cutting to heavily into other characters main upsides it makes them less welcomed in groups which can ruin the play experience for some people


I know tons of people who enjoy the farming aspect of Wormwood and I know they'll be disappointed that their hard work in farming can more or less be replicated as a small part of another character's perk for little to no effort that being said I don't see wormwood being less welcomed unless living logs become even easier to obtain.


Having spent the last couple of years oscillating between Wormwood and Wickerbottom, I can't say I don't understand (and even feel) what you're saying, but from a logical point of view, adding or buffing a character's perk doesn't take away anything from the other characters. Just because Wickerbottom becomes better at farming (and she was already pretty good at it) doesn't make Wormwood worse at it. Will the new Wickerbottom be willing to invest in the materials and time required to be as efficient as Wormwood, including the sanity costs and the time spent fighting shadows? We'll probably read many posts about this in the coming months...

Update after update, Klei is proving that the game is never considered finished. With every new content there are balance issues to consider, some of which adressed in later updates. If the community feels that Wormwood is now lacking interest, trust Klei to add a new little thing that will shift the balance again, like they did with the bramble husk buff.

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On 7/20/2022 at 7:04 PM, Hornete said:

Huh? I haven't played Wurt in a while but she doesn't have any natural perk that actually helps her get fish faster last I remember, she needs to get rods like most other characters.

If anything, there's now a cool synergy between Wurt and Wicker, Wicker makes a bunch of fish, Wurt can trade them in to the Merm King. Wish you could make merm houses with ocean fish...

also free sanity from books since they're rechargeable now

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On 7/20/2022 at 8:42 AM, _Ellat_ said:

Wickerbottom can now mass produce fish so as said in the title what's the point of playing wurt anymore?

How does Wurt produce fish? Genuinely curious cause I always assumed she had to fish like everyone else.

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...what kind of ridiculous question is this? Who plays Wurt just to give fish to the team? The POINT of playing any character is simply their design. I personally love playing as Wurt!!! 

It's simple, she runs fast in the swamp, and she can make merm cities, what more do you need from her? Wurt just isn't a team friendly gal, cuz her merms will get ya, and her crafts take forever to set up. The most you will get from wurt on a team is maybe someone invested in farming or an easy way to get resources from the swamp, like reeds, spider drops, merm drops and tentacle drops. 


On 7/20/2022 at 10:47 AM, Eughstein said:

yeah but still getting a lot of fish isn't a whole point of wurt and someone doing it else doesn't make them replacement for wurt

tbh relying on other people in multiplayer game is questionable, that's why i play in solo

wdym not much thought?thought behind wurt is living as easy as possible in spring and loving fish(which also connects with eachother), yeah there are some not so useful perks like getting small sanity boost from holding a fish in inventory or not getting penalties from jumping off the boat(because idealy you don't want this to happen at all), but these are waaay less random and useless perks than walter has

I think you are underestimating the need for a good swim in the summer!!! "mermfolk love water, florp!"

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