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Let's talk about the smart animals of the constant

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How many pig race are there? I mean from the data I gather there seem to be about 7 pig race, mainland pink pig, mainland darkish pink pig, mainland dark pig ( Pig king, guardian pigs, and elite pigs ), the Hamlet pig ( they are not hunchback, have hair, much more advance and taller than mainland pig ), Wildbore ( have tusk, more aggressive and much more primitive ), Forge pigs ( I think they should be call Boarrior, they are a mix of mainland pink pig skin, Wildbore tusk, and Hamlet pig tallnest, they seem to much more advance than mainland and Wildbore but not as advance as Hamelt pig ), and Swamp pig ( They got white fur and they seem to be more advance than Hamlet pigs ), appearing everywhere in the constant except for the cave, volcano, and the ocean ( which is very smart of them ), but why? Why do they the dominated race? What make them so adaptive?

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I've been thinking about the pigs and how they got everywhere for a while now. Obviously they started out from Hamlet's ruins, but how they got to other realms eludes me. Perhaps Pugna got a few across the gateway, idk he might be able to do that

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i love thinking about this sort of thing! i love the creatures of the constant.

my headcanons arent super set in stone (since when is anything) and pretty ridiculous, but its still something i like to think about and its not like theres a lot of canon information so!

to me, the swamp pigs are one of the oldest of societies of pigs in the constant. they seem to have more traits that are unlike domesticated pigs that the others are based on, such as having large tusks and have a lot of fur. i see the wildbores of shipwrecked being the next in line after them for similar reasons. then, the common pigmen, and hamlet pigs after that.

as for why they are pretty different from each other, i think its cultural and societal differences between them, along with where they live. i actually see the swamp pigs as being more similar to the hamlet pigs than others. they wear fullbody outfits of clothes, have hair, and have accessories for themselves like hamlet pigs do.

with the islands of shipwrecked being isolated by bodies of water, i feel like wildbore society is based on having little being around them, hence why they get upset when bothered too much. there just isn't usually many others to bother them, let alone persistantly (as they would understand the hatred of being annoyed with each other.)

the pigmen we see in game are said to descend from hamlet pigs, but i think thats not true for every single one, just like how i see merms as not nessesarily always having been former goats. mainly, these are the pigs associated with the pig king's village specifically.

as for other animals...

i see bunnymen as being heavily pack-minded and follow each other's actions. there isn't a "leader" of their burrow. their social groups often are pretty much treated as a "family," with the "family" a bunnyman lives in being who it is near-exclusively loyal to. other "families" of bunnymen are rival groups.

we can see from the gorge that goats, or at least the ones living in the bog, had a thriving society at some point. i feel like the goats were more focused on individuality and their mate/offspring, based on lines implying that goats didn't even want to help the swamp pigs who were their neighbors.

merms heavily value their "family" members like bunnymen, but they have a ruler too. they live in packs (such as how 4 merms come from 1 merm house), but will fight for others of their kind. i see merms as highly adaptive, though some are born with more traits leaning to one thing than another, such as wurt being a young warrior. i also think that merms can come in different colors, such as with fishermerms from shipwrecked.

speaking of shipwrecked, merms exist there too. not in hamlet. i see the hostility between merms and pigmen as nonexistant in hamlet, simply because merms do not live there. the next closest thing would be hostility against mants probably. (supported by wilba seeming to be disgusted by mants while not really being so aggressive towards merms.)

wow! that was long! sorry for the huge ramble. i like the silly animals :)

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7 hours ago, Waoling said:

How many pig race are there? I mean from the data I gather there seem to be about 7 pig race, mainland pink pig, mainland darkish pink pig, mainland dark pig ( Pig king, guardian pigs, and elite pigs ), the Hamlet pig ( they are not hunchback, have hair, much more advance and taller than mainland pig ), Wildbore ( have tusk, more aggressive and much more primitive ), Forge pigs ( I think they should be call Boarrior, they are a mix of mainland pink pig skin, Wildbore tusk, and Hamlet pig tallnest, they seem to much more advance than mainland and Wildbore but not as advance as Hamelt pig ), and Swamp pig ( They got white fur and they seem to be more advance than Hamlet pigs ), appearing everywhere in the constant except for the cave, volcano, and the ocean ( which is very smart of them ), but why? Why do they the dominated race? What make them so adaptive?

Personally I feel like the constant brings survivors into the constant for the creatures that inhabit it to learn from and evolve we've seen first hand how much of a impact on the natives a survivor can have in the form of Wurt in her short time with the survivors she's learned their langue and presumably taught it to her king. Then you have merms whose vocabulary seemly improves slightly in the presence of their king going by normal merm fear state quotes. Merm's have also seemly learned to use tools.(short exclusive)

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