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Wolfgang Rework - Sustain Mighty

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I spent many hours playing Wolfgang yesterday on the PS4 edition of DST..

I made his gym, upgraded it to Boss Statues, used a lot of Golden Dumbbells. Had a really great time. Spent a lot of time pumping iron, until I got my gyms up and running that is.

It is fairly easy to place gyms around the world near certain boss locations etc, getting to Mighty is not an issue. Neither is avoiding being Wimpy. During my play time there were a few concerns I had discovered that I wanted to shed light on.

1. Using the Gym while you're starving is just free Might. The gym doesn't boot you off or anything. This loophole really undermines his reputation for a hungry calorie burner. As well as encourages some odd play behavior as hunger is tied to mightyness degeneration rate, but not a maximum mighty level. So if you just chow as soon as you get off the gym there isn't a downside at all. Players have experimented with Fungi Caps and Belts of Hunger to mitigate his hunger loss while working out. This completely makes those already irrelevant items still, very irrelevant. 

2. While waiting for other players to meet up at a certain location ei, Dragonfly- the best thing (cheap/free) Wolfgang can do to maintain his Might is just hold a statue while he is waiting. Which is extremely dull, just being honest. It's an odd and boring strategy and not at all engaging. I'm not sure what could be done to improve this, however some quality of life is possible I'm sure.

3. Some items have a reputation for being bad at combat. Like a bug net or pickaxe for example - a normal axe really is not half bad in comparison. Dumbbells have also made this list of terrible combat items, which is completely acceptable. However perhaps Wolfgang should get a unique item made for combat. Perhaps the item doesn't build Might, it just negates Might loss but only while in combat. An item which is heavy to where normal characters (and not mighty Wolfgang) cannot utilize it. I'm trying to think of a circus related idea and keep thinking of Barbells. A generic item would be a large wooden club or impractical stone sword. Just food for thought. 


If anyone has any other comments, ideas, concerns definitely leave a reply. 

As always, thank you for hearing me out.

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On 12/19/2021 at 6:06 AM, bioRival said:

3. "Large wooden club, impractical stone sword" - sounds like someone been playing a lot of Dark Souls 

I've actually never played, but it does strike my interest. I have Bloodborne. But I digress. I do think Wolfgang needs a way to prolong might meter during longer combat sessions - a heavy weapon could fill that void.

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15 hours ago, ArubaroBeefalo said:

but does not fit the character

I really disagree. It can totally fit the theme.. A large barbell weapon to sustain but not build Might, sounds awesome. Something like these, but real metals, because Wolfgang is the mightiest. Working out is not just limited to a gym and dumbbells. 


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Well, gym could be nerfed so he loses mightiness if he works out hungry (IRL you don't get bigger if you don't eat properly). That would only add to him burning through food supply again though.

As for the idea of ways of him sustaining mightiness: A way i thought it could happen was through the usage of those "heavy" items that usually would slow down characters such as piggyback and marble suit. While wearing those, he could not only walk in normal speed but also have mightiness decrease slowed down (which would make it easier to get mightier with dumbbells on the go).

Dumbbells could be counted as "heavy objects" too. So, carrying many of them should slow down other characters and Wolfgang would just lose less mightiness. In this way, your mightiness problem could be solved by just using a piggyback and carry something like 4 "tier 3" dumbbells or many "tier 1" ones. Carrying too many dumbbells should make him just walk slower as statues do.

Did you like this idea? lol

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4 hours ago, Ludovicus said:

Dumbbells could be counted as "heavy objects" too. So, carrying many of them should slow down other characters and Wolfgang would just lose less mightiness. In this way, your mightiness problem could be solved by just using a piggyback and carry something like 4 "tier 3" dumbbells or many "tier 1" ones. Carrying too many dumbbells should make him just walk slower as statues do.

Did you like this idea? lol

Currently, the only way heavy items slow you down is when you have them in your equipment slot. I am not fond of the idea of implementing a weight to items in your inventory. Sort of makes it odd you can carry dozens of stacks of 40 rocks even as Wes, yeah? No need to add an exclusive mechanic to an exclusive character perk.

As for the dumbbells slowing you down when you hold them, much like marble suits or piggie backpacks, while you're not mighty, as well as slowing your Mighty drain while you are.. I like this. 

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On 12/22/2021 at 12:35 AM, Mike23Ua said:

Alternatively you can do a mixture of using dumbells and using the gym to pretty much ignore the Hunger costs of the Gym altogether (so yes Wolfgang is no longer raiding fridges for all the food supply IF you play him smart..)


it would work if you use the dumbbell to reach 74 and use the gym for filling the rest of the bar since goldbells are very bad when you are mighty. Isnt worth waiting 29secs to fill few points when you could do it in way less time and much something but if you really want for some reason try that, 1st goldbell and when mighty use gym to finish


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