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a few suggestions for Enclosed Telescope

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Now the Enclosed Telescope differs slightly from the small Telescope:

  • scan radius increased from 3 to 4 hex
  • protects the duplicant from radiation and sunburn.
  • requires mandatory connection of the oxygen pipe
  • but allows an exploit: it is enough to inject a small amount of oxygen into the telescope, for example, 100 grams, using the Gas Meter Valve - the duplicant will start working on the telescope, the oxygen inside the telescope will run out, but the duplicant can continue working without spending a gram of oxygen either from his suit or from anywhere else, and completely without harm to himself. Until he has other more urgent things to do. (by the way, this exploit also works on the telescope in vanilla)

Otherwise, the small Telescope and the Enclosed Telescope are exactly the same.

But the Enclosed Telescope looks like a big, heavy, with a huge lens.

My suggestions:

  • increase the scanning radius to 5 or 6 hex
  • increase the scanning speed by +50%
  • double energy consumption to 240 watts.
  • prohibit the construction of an Enclosed Telescope inside a rocket
  • make the pipe connection requirement optional - You can either connect the pipe or not connect it, then the duplicant will consume oxygen, respectively, from the telescope or from his suit.
  • fix the exploit - if the oxygen inside the telescope has run out, the duplicant must switch the oxygen source to his suit. If the oxygen supply has been restored, the duplicant must switch the oxygen source back to the telescope.

A good example of what I mean is my mod, which I made about a month ago and which is now actually obsolete.

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I see very little reason to use enclosed telescope - harder to setup with no compensation.

Increased distance might change that, but I think small telescope and enclosed telescope will benefit more from being swapped in research tree, with small telescope being limited to rockets only.

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I`d be ok with a range increase but please make this thing require glass to be constructed. Like how are telescopes in this game working without glass? It even has glass walls. Give us more uses for glass at higher tech tiers (also virtual planetarium should need glass for construction).

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On 11/21/2021 at 10:55 AM, AndreyKl said:

I see very little reason to use enclosed telescope - harder to setup with no compensation.

Increased distance might change that, but I think small telescope and enclosed telescope will benefit more from being swapped in research tree, with small telescope being limited to rockets only.

The telescope inside the rocket feels kinda cheesy. I'd rather give the cartographic module some range, that is what you should be using to scout when you get to it.

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