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What Player Statistics Does DST/Klei Collect?

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@lakhnish Back from school, :).

So I noticed there's this PushMetricsEvent function that gets called a lot, and that then runs a engine function named "SendProfileStats" 

local function PushMetricsEvent(event_id, player, values, is_only_local_users_data)

    local sendstats = BuildContextTable(player)
    sendstats.event = event_id

    if values then
        for k,v in pairs(values) do
            sendstats[k] = v

    --print("PUSH METRICS EVENT")
    local jsonstats = json.encode_compliant(sendstats)
    TheSim:SendProfileStats(jsonstats, is_only_local_users_data)

I imagine Klei has servers where they store all of the metric events that are pushed for each and every user id. So, let's see what's recorded!

From what I find, it seems these things have stuff pushed as metric events.

  • Beefalo Domestication, stats like tendency, domestication, obedience are recorded. These stats seem to be recorded every time the beefalo is fed, attacked, goes feral, has its domestication value changed, does an attack while a player is mounted and so on
  • Everytime a construction project has stuff added to it(Merm king tapestry, Pearl's House, Lunar Siphonator, Celestial Portal)
  • Everytime you feed a goodies food item to critters(Apparently that locks their "trait" so it cant change, Did you know that? Because I sure as hell didnt! By trait I mean when it says Scrappy as a prefix and what not for the critter, depending on what the player does)
  • Everytime a critter gets a new dominant trait
  • Everytime a player catches something with a fishing rod, stats like the thing caught, if it is actually a fish(or if its a wobster, flotsam), the weight(if it has weight), and the catch time
  • Everytime a player prototypes a new item (Ding ding ding! I'd guess this data was used for the design of the cookbook changes in some way)
  • Everytime you join a new server/game
  • Everytime a "MOTD" is clicked(Those boxes with info you find on the main screen, on stuff like the discord server, new events, new forum posts)
  • Everytime a quick join game fails (Y'know, like how Forge and Gorge had, not in the game anymore)
  • Everytime the server name filter is toggled on or off
  • User commands and votes(Like /kick, /ban, /regenerate and /rollback

    And that's all I could seem to find.

Stuff like the world day is also recorded as a stat with each of these events.

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