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Space stations and satellites

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I have a dream that Klei will allow us to build a space station(would require a specialized module) would allow you to get to asteroids with rarer resources even further away(refuelling station). rockets would dock directly with it using a dock(one comes with the module) rather than landing on a pad. making them self sufficient should be a challenge.

and with the new space system the would allow us to build satellites that we can launch into orbit that would have various effects(one could be the late game telescope, another could shoot meteors, old/unwanted satellites and other incoming threats.... The satellites could also wear out over time and come crashing down(onto your meteor free solar panels perchance)

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A space station could work similar to rockets. We just need a space landing pad - docking pad as it would make more sense for a roket to dock from the side.

But why stop there. Lets make a large interplanetary spaceship that could navigate through the starmap and host a self sustainable base inside. You could even put a porta pod inside and make it your base. Just travel from asteroid to asteroid and collect resources and fuel.

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