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Few (silly) questions

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Hello, can anyone provide me an answer to few questions (ps4 version of DST)

1. What is the rule for daily log-in reward if i play on splitscreen? I play with my girlfriend, one of our acc has active PS+ and we play on online version. Sometimes both of us receive reward at the starting screen, sometimes just one of us or there is no reward at all. During the game both of us receive gifts ...

2. I can't attack Antlion. Is this boss blocked on ps4 version or do i need some fancy buttons combo to initiate the fight?

3. Not sure why but i have an impression that camera in the caves is closer so i see less on the screen than outside. Is it fixable or just in my mind? :-)

4. Is there a way to force saving? At this moment i wait till the end of the night to get autosave, but maybe there is a way to make save on demand?


Ty kindly for the answers

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Hi there! theres no silly questions feel free to ask away!

1- The daily reward works for both account as long as both log in, main screen for 1st player and after pressing options on the second controller. you have 7 daily gifts and 8 in-game hourly drops a week. Both of you should receive a the daily log in drop but its limited to only once a day based on a fixed time everyday.

2- In order to initiate the Antlion fight you must feed it a hot or cold (recommended to freeze) thermal stone first. if you're unsure about a game mechanic i recommend checking the wiki to get a general idea https://dontstarve.fandom.com/wiki/Antlion

3- That is true, the camera is closer in the caves for all versions of the game and you can't change it unless you use a mod (pc only)

4- To force the game to save simply exit the server, to verify this start the server again you'll be in the same spot. also if you roll back in the next 5 days the game will remember this exact moment you exited and load it. 

I hope that helped!


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3 hours ago, Marcin86 said:

1. What is the rule for daily log-in reward if i play on splitscreen? I play with my girlfriend, one of our acc has active PS+ and we play on online version. Sometimes both of us receive reward at the starting screen, sometimes just one of us or there is no reward at all. During the game both of us receive gifts ...

My wife and I are in the exact same situation, split screen/1 account with PS+

You get the login gift, but the animation doesn't always play. You can check your recently received gift list (or whatever it is called) to see what exactly you got (player 2 would have to start the game under their PS profile to see their list obviously).

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Thank you guys for the answers. Situation where my gf didnt receive a gift but i did was a bit intense so you help me a lot :-) About point 4. and save -so apparently my game does not work properly. As far as i remember my PC copy works exactly as you described but on ps4 i do lose my progress. Anyway again - thank you kindly!


One more question: Can I buy skins / dlc heroes on the account without active ps+ membership?

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8 hours ago, Marcin86 said:About point 4. and save -so apparently my game does not work properly. As far as i remember my PC copy works exactly as you described but on ps4 i do lose my progress. ?

It’s an ongoing bug, I played 50 days worth the other day and lost all my progress. No idea why it does that. Happens from time to time. No one has provided an explanation as of yet. Good luck 

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