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SpawnPrefab in amounts greater than one

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7 hours ago, Yakuzashi said:

Yep. I am surprised

That line Ivo posted will only make the first entity spawned set its position, all other entities will go to 0, 0


Something like this would be better

for i  = 1, count do --replace count with number of entities you want


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I am trying to replace logs with living logs upon spell cast, but my Frankenstein function turns every log in area into just 1 living log.

local function detransformer(inst)
local owner = inst.components.inventoryitem.owner
local livinglog = SpawnPrefab("livinglog")	
local pt = inst:GetPosition()
local range = 10

		local ents = TheSim:FindEntities(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z,range)
		for _,ent in ipairs(ents) do
			if ent.prefab == "log" and ent.components.stackable and ent.components.stackable.stacksize == 20 and not owner.components.inventory:Has("log", 1) then 		
						local x,y,z = ent.Transform:GetWorldPosition()			
					for i  = 1, 20 do 					
						livinglog.Transform:SetPosition(x, y, z)



for i  = 1, count do --replace count with number of entities you want

part doesn't work and I don't know what I did wrong. Sorry for my lack of knowledge

Edit: c_spawn() works good, but it spawns prefabs at the mouse pointer location


Edit2: I am an idiot I shouldn't use local livinglog = SpawnPrefab("livinglog") 

Edited by Yakuzashi
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