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Can I spawn a lot of lumber in sandbox mode?

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I would like to test some setup in sandbox but it requires a lumber to work. Spawning lumber of 1kg is inefficient. Is there any way to spawn like 1000000 kg of lumber? 


Best regards,


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13 hours ago, nakomaru said:

Use debug mode and copy the tile with 1 lumber, which will then have 2 lumber, and then 4. You get the idea.

Well. That is what i was looking for but could you, please, help me to find it? You said 'debug mode' - is it different than sandbox?

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Yes, debug mode is different. Sandbox is more recent and user friendly, but has different functions. Ref

  1. Create a text file anywhere on your computer and save the file name as debug_enable.txt.
  2. Find the installation folder/directory for Oxygen Not Included. (Steam Users can find their files by right-clicking and viewing the properties of Oxygen Not Included in their library, then navigating to "Local Files" and "Browse Local Files".)
  3. For Windows and Linux users, move "debug_enable.txt" inside the "OxygenNotIncluded_Data" folder/directory.
  4. For Mac OS users, open the application bundle by right-clicking and then selecting "Open Package Contents". Place "debug_enable.txt" inside the "Contents" folder.
  5. Restart Oxygen Not Included and start a game.

Once you do this, press Backspace to enable the debug menu. Use the three icons on the top right to select, copy, and paste tiles.


Enabling sandbox or debug will disable steam achievements by default. You can use Achievement Enabler to override this behavior.

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