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Klei adding more characters instead of finishing the refreshs

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11 minutes ago, Deprecious said:

Well, i'm glad most of you are enjoying the new content, but for me personally, it just killed the game, there are no chances i'll come back to it as it is right now, it just gives me the feeling that i am playing modded content instead of official content, i guess each to their own


The sea is completely optional and if you ignore boats completely, the only difference with old DST is the cardboard water looks a whole lot better now.

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On 4/26/2020 at 3:25 PM, robot-sensei said:

They are adding more and more characters and at this point they started to lose originalty for example wurt is just and existing mob made cuter ,

they should finish the reworks and contine uptating the actual game , I feel like the whole rutern of them uptates are weak compared to the new reign stuff , quality started dropping since they added fuelweaver and while some uptates like moon island is good there is not much to do unlike mines , sea isnt very fun to explore since there isnt much to see and the new bosses are pretty boring with bad drops

I dont know if this will contine like this but I think they should stop with new characters and skins at least , especially skin , they bring nothing to table and most of the time you cant see them beacuse you are wearing armor or backpack

i think what makes the new content not exciting to me is the new boss drops like come on the new crab king drop does nothing it is literally useless(unless they have something planned for it which i hope they do) and they haven't added that much to the sea so its really boring as u said

i hope they tie everything with the whole update so it will make sense

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