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On 12/17/2019 at 4:26 PM, Kyruel said:

Oh okay got it , i asked cause nearly most of videos i watched , people looking for Pig king and Pig village to settle near of them.

I don't know why this biome is so popular honestly, but just a heads up; basing right next to the pig king will put your webber, wurt, and wortox friends in a huge predicament since there are tons of pig houses surrounding the pig king. Pigs hate these 3 characters and will attack them on sight. 

I see new players make this mistake all the time, so just an fyi so you don't upset your pocket healer. 


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1 hour ago, Rinkusan said:

I don't know why this biome is so popular honestly, but just a heads up; basing right next to the pig king will put your webber, wurt, and wortox friends in a huge predicament since there are tons of pig houses surrounding the pig king. Pigs hate these 3 characters and will attack them on sight. 

I see new players make this mistake all the time, so just an fyi so you don't upset your pocket healer.

Unless you... renovate the area to put all the pig houses in a fenced and gated village, but a) this will take quite a bit of resources, and b) once you have your gated pig community you need to keep the fence in good repair and the gate shut or you're back to square one.

Probably easier to just set up somewhere else. Maybe within a short walk of the Pig King, but not right in his lap. The far end of a wormhole that emerges near him is also good.

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11 hours ago, CameoAppearance said:

Unless you... renovate the area to put all the pig houses in a fenced and gated village, but a) this will take quite a bit of resources, and b) once you have your gated pig community you need to keep the fence in good repair and the gate shut or you're back to square one.

Probably easier to just set up somewhere else. Maybe within a short walk of the Pig King, but not right in his lap. The far end of a wormhole that emerges near him is also good.

The thing about renovation is that you need to know how to kill pig men anyway. The OP is new, so I made the post under the assumption that he doesn't know how to deal with a group of pig men let alone know how to kite them or their werepig counterpart.

I'm personally of the mindset that the pig king himself is completely worthless in the early-mid game because there are so many gold rocks on the surface let alone in the caves. He's great for gold renewability at endgame, but even then, I see no reason to base near him when one trip to the pig king can get you stacks of gold. 

I'm trying to keep the OP's newbie status in mind, and imo the pig king is not an ideal place to base for newbies because:
1) the pig king himself is not ideal for collecting gold when there are tons of gold rocks to mine
2) the pig men themselves are a resource most newbies will never use because you have to know how to create and kite werepigs, so if anything, they'll get in the way
3) the birch trees have a high chance of spawning poison birches; unlike treeguards which are much easier to handle and arguably one of the best monsters in the game to practice kiting with, poison birches are a headache due to their minions and the fact that you have to chop them down (you could burn them down, but that would risk spreading the fire to certain valuable nearby resources like berry bushes and mushrooms)


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A few things considering good camping spots. You've already got some really good advice on where to find nice camping places but there are also places where you don't want to build your camp, or at least some stuff to keep in mind.

  • Pig Houses. They're great and all and many players build their base in pig villages or near them, but every full moon all pigs off screen will come out of their houses and get turned into Werepigs. They're hostile and can easily kill you if you're unprepared and caught by surprise. Keep a safe distance.
  • Sinkholes: As somebody already mentioned batilisks will spawn from unplugged sinkholes and try to kill you. It's a good idea to have a cave entrance near your base, for an easy access to some lightbulbs, but keep it a couple of screens away. Batilisks are attracted to meat and will fly a long distance to steal from your crockpots etc.
  • Meteor area: It's a rocky biome with all types of boulders. There are also moon rocks and scorched marks on the ground where meteors have hit, making it identifiable from other biomes. Again, this is a really good place to gather resources and nice to have nearby but meteors landing on your head hurt really much or break stuff near you.
  • Moose/Goose nests: Moose/Goose is a seasonal boss and a bunch of them will spawn around your world when spring starts. They stomp on walls and try to kill you and their babies will eat all your veggies and berries.They're relatively easy to kill but you might want to avoid doing that before you're confident enough and have got more fighting experience. They're very territorial creatures and never go far from their nests and the easiest way to deal with them is to just avoid them altogether. Their spawn points look like scattered twigs lying on the ground in a circular pattern and there's no way to interact with them. The spawns are often near ponds with berry bushes around them, but not always. It might take some time before you can survive long enough to encounter this seasonal boss, but this is still a good thing to keep in mind.
  • Bee hives: This is another spring exclusive thing, but it's good to know it anyway. Every bee in the world will become hostile when spring arrives. It's not a good idea to build your base too close to hives unless you're prepared to break them.
These are all stuff I learnt the hard way and wish I'd known from the start... Also a thing I didn't know about when I started playing DST: By rollbacking you can return to a previous save point if you screw up and that way not everything is lost. It's great when you're still learning stuff and want to take it easy. You can rollback one day using a button found on your scoreboard and up to 5 days if you use console command c_rollback(putnumberofdayshere) or close the server and choose an older save point when launching it again. The default save point is in the morning or when you close the server. You can make additional savepoints with c_save() command if you think you might need rollbacking soon. Just keep in mind there are only 5 save slots and there's no way to get back saves older than that.
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