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[Help] I have trouble with code inside master_postinit

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Hi, I have this troublemaker in my master_postinit, but no matter how hard I try I just can't succeed. I want it to be dependent on % chance, but as I said this is far above my reach. I know that first part...

    handle.deststate = function(inst) return "doshortaction" end

... proceeds without executing the rest of code, but when I want to manipulate all those lines to be harmonized it just ends with clusterdisaster.


local master_postinit = function(inst)

local function custperc(inst)		
	local handle = inst.sg.sg.actionhandlers[ACTIONS.PICK]
		if math.random() < 0.5 then
				handle.deststate = function(inst) return "doshortaction" end	
						if math.random() < 0.5 then
				inst.components.talker:Say("I have to rest...", 2.5,true)


Thank you kind stranger, just in advance.

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This code allows character to pick flowers etc. faster.

The code:


    local handle = inst.sg.sg.actionhandlers[ACTIONS.PICK]
    handle.deststate = function(inst) return "doshortaction" end

works in 100% cases and I want it to be randomized using this:

if math.random() < 0.5 then

but the line above is always ignored and I don't know how to make it work.


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Your code doesn't make much sense, TBH. Sorry if that's a little harsh, but if it was me, I would want to know. Try to read through what you wrote, as if you were the computer trying to decide what to do (basically, assume that you have no knowledge of what is happening, and are just reading instructions to the letter). It's a good debugging tactic. You'll see what I mean. I'll just write something new.

local function custperc(inst)
	local handle = inst.sg.sg.actionhandlers[ACTIONS.PICK]
	local origDestState = handle.deststate
	handle.deststate = function(inst)
		if math.random() < 0.5 then
			return "doshortaction"
			return origDestState

This should save the original deststate, whether it is a string or a function, then replace it with a new function, which half the time does "doshortaction" and the rest of the time does whatever the original deststate is.

If you want to keep the player from picking things (I saw your talker:Say()), you have to write a bunch more code, in order to keep state of how long before the player can pick things again.

Edited by Ultroman
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