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My first trip to the Lunar Island.

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Okay so unlike A LOT of you pc gamers and other guys.. I don’t actually look up every little thing about this game online, so as far as detailed expert step by step strategy guides go you can throw that out the window.

So I didn’t know exactly what to do or how to get to this new content biome, but while playing as Were-Goose and exploring the ocean (ultimately by running out of goose form power and drowning) I Awaken on this new Lunar Island.. the island looks all iced over there’s glowing glaciers everywhere & there’s some weird Eyeball Icon on my hud below my Health and Hunger now, I’ve also just awoken from Were-Goose Mode so I’m starving to death..

Shattered Spider??? Yeah nah I’m gonna avoid that and Run like hell in the opposite direction.

Oh I Know Carrots!! I have 4 or 5 on me so I quickly munch those and pull some more out the ground,  Carrats..? okay then.. I can’t catch them so I ignore them and end up getting attacked by a ghostly circle thing inspecting it with Y Woodie says “I’m sure he’s planning something.” Right before it hits me and slows me down, that’s all it did, it didn’t kill me or anything it just slowed me down like I just took a bite out of a Mandrake or something..

Anyway I’m still in need of food but not starving out yet-

And so I see this squirrel looking thing called a Saladmander, I’m like ehh this should be easy to kill and because Salad is in its name it has to be a good food source, So I start whacking it with a axe, this critter did not die... instead it stabbed me to death violently.

And that’s been my one and only experience with the new Return of Them island mobs.

:( the island that spawned in my world was really really small though, I was hoping for a big new biome full of stuff that hated me & wanted me to die.

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Forget Lunar Island, first thing you should ever have on you going Were-Moose/Goose/Beaver is lots of food, ideally healing food as well. Plan ahead for that and anticipate most hostile scenarios including getting stranded on Moon shard. Gl on your next trip!

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Sorry for the laugh reaction, I understand it was a rather painful experience, but this part of the story was pretty funny:

37 minutes ago, Mike23Ua said:

so I see this squirrel looking thing called a Saladmander, I’m like ehh this should be easy to kill and because Salad is in its name it has to be a good food source, So I start whacking it with a axe, this critter did not die... instead it stabbed me to death violently.

Anyway, the lunar Island can also get you covered in food for a good while too, if you know what to look in it. The early game jackpot of the lunar island are the stone fruit bushes. Just dig out 20 of those, take them to wherever you want to do your base back at the main continent, plant them and fertilize them, and they will be a huuge head-start in food and rocks (and they keep producing even in winter!)

But as the magnificent man above @x0VERSUS1y mentioned, you need a bit of planning ahead before going there: you need abundant food, another goose idol to come back, something to heal (it can be  healing food, or non food healing, like salves or glands, but you need healing) and a shovel to dig out the bushes, or a beaver idol.

And yeah saladmanders as you discovered in the worst way, are tanky and strong as heck, I saw 2 of them defeat a late game hound wave with little to no effort. I'd leave the animals of the island alone until coming back with a ship and good equipment.

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