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Significant Performance Drop After World Retrofit

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Klei, I just retrofitted my Day 4951 World. Looking forward to celebrating 5k shortly. Still have plans to play for a long time to come. I hope to make it to 10k.

It's a solo world, although I do have friends drop in from time to time to play with me. Solo my performance has been fine. I can play without feeling/experiencing lag most of the time and it doesn't interfere with combat or actions. I do have to make sure I keep excess clutter off the ground because if I don't it can start to get laggy. The game definitely has a lot to load/render on screen when I'm in base (which I am a majority of the time) but I'm in 50-60 fps usually. I do have a couple areas that are laggier b/c of a large tooth trap field and pigs/bunny pplz but still manageable with only little hitches while travelling through (I purposefully kept the number of pig houses/bunny hutches low, set to a certain amount). 

HOWEVER after the retrofit (which went off flawlessly thankfully. Took 4 min 25 sec to complete. It normally takes around that long to launch the world from host game screen) it's a different matter. Suddenly I i can't move without serious hitches to movement. I'm afraid the lag is going to prevent me from being able to play in my world properly! I'm getting probably half the frames I was before, maybe 60%. 

I have no interest in starting another world. I have tons of projects still in the works that I have yet to tackle. I miss my old diorama waves!! Is there any way I can alleviate this 50% drop in performance?

EDIT: Can a moderator delete this thread? Just launched the game after the hotfix and cautiously optimistic whatever issue I was having might be resolved or at least greatly improved. Don't have time to check it out more right now.  I'll make a bug report if necessary. Thank you!

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