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Will this new content be exclusive to DST?

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I'm wondering if the nautical stuff and lunar island stuff will ever be added to the single-player Don't Starve. I think the new stuff is cool, but I'm hoping that the single-player game gets left as it is. Not just because I've got a soft spot for the cardboard water (although that's admittedly a big part of it) but because of the lore. I assume, story-wise, the ocean suddenly became traversable because of new things developing as a result of Charlie being on the throne, and the titular "Return of Them." Plus, it would probably create a lot of complications with compatibility with Shipwrecked and Hamlet. Just thinking about the combination of Shipwrecked stuff and the Lunar Island ocean stuff kind of makes my brain hurt. I like feeling like DST and DS are different games.


I wouldn't have questioned this before, but with the recent QOL update that added previously DST-exclusive things like taming Beefalo to the original Don't Starve, it makes me wonder. And, again, this isn't a criticism of the new stuff, but I really hope that the new stuff stays in DST. Otherwise I might have to boot up my Wii U version of Don't Starve to see that cardboard water again. ^o^;>

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There's probably a lore angle on why it's being added to DST - like, some story event that caused things to change - and DST is technically set after DS singleplayer, so my instinct is that it won't show up in DS. DS doesn't have the Fuelweaver either, and that guy's a big deal lorewise.

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