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Mark certain food types or containers as RESERVE and substract it from the calorie count

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Your calorie count says now, for example, 540 thousand kcal, and you feel safe. However, in actuality your real food production has stopped and you're just using your food reserves.

I'd be nice to mark either food types or containers as [RESERVE] and display the calorie count like so: 50,000 kcal (490,000 kcal reserve) for more clarity

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If you produce only 1 high tier food, you can do this in a workaround. 

Mark 1 storage (fridge...) as high prio, and another as lower. If you only produce 1 food type, you know how much can be stored in the "reserve" storage. Every kcal above that is surplus. 

You can go even further, and build a locked room for your reserve, so dupes cant reach it, organized by sweepers and related objects. 

If your food production stops, you get a starving message, and quickly unlock the door. That gives you (hopefully) enough time to solve the problem. 

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9 hours ago, SharraShimada said:

If you produce only 1 high tier food, you can do this in a workaround. 

Mark 1 storage (fridge...) as high prio, and another as lower. If you only produce 1 food type, you know how much can be stored in the "reserve" storage. Every kcal above that is surplus. 

You can go even further, and build a locked room for your reserve, so dupes cant reach it, organized by sweepers and related objects. 

If your food production stops, you get a starving message, and quickly unlock the door. That gives you (hopefully) enough time to solve the problem. 

That's a nice tip. Thanks

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Also, don't count "unreachable food" as calories... (Eg, Setting a food to "do not eat", such as meal-lice. It still counts it as "available calories", though we have set it as "do not eat". Because that is just an "ingredient", at that point, for food that must be prepared. Thus, not "a reachable food/calorie".)

Lice, bristle-berries, etc... Makes it look like I have TONS of food, but it is prohibited and should not count as calories. (Or, there should be two numbers. One for "available", which is anything edible and one for "prepared" foods, which only counts prepared foods. Possibly an in-between number for "allowed". Which would be only things we set as allowed, in-case we have a prepared food that isn't "allowed", or is limited to only some people.)

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