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QOL3 disease is.. lacking

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I have to say, I've been enjoying the game tremendously up to this point. But I have to say, some of the "improvements" in this last QOL3 update have been the first major disappointments I've had in the game to date. I feel it necessary to provide feedback for this title I've enjoyed so much thus far, in hopes things can be remedied in the future.

Disease has been changed from a major incident which is avoidable with proper planning, to an almost unavoidable, persistent nuisance. I gave it a fair try before coming to this conclusion, but I find it disappointing for the following reasons:

  • A hideously infected pocket of PO2 with millions of slimelung germs per square, and I can have dupes working in it all day, for days - why in blazes does a sneeze of a minor amount of germs have an identical chance of infection, if someone walks through it for a few seconds?
    • On this note, why even have a germ overlay, with germ counts at all? The whole system seems to have been horrendously over-simplified.
  • Heatstroke/hypothermia are irrelevant.
    • I had a dupe working in a steam geyser (surveying it while it was active!). She complained it was hot a few times, got heatstroke - I figured she'd get ill or die as I let her keep working. Nope. Heatstroke even resolved itself without treatment (or even leaving the hot water pool!) 0.2 cycles later. She kept at this for about 3 cycles before completing the survey, her body temperature was close to 100C. The only penalty she got over the 3 cycles? A slight athletics penalty for the short period she had 'heatstroke' even though her body temp was beyond unsafe. It reached (what should have been) lethal levels. She should have required hospitalization and/or died. I thought this was a survival game?
  • Resource costs for supplements are too high
    • For the frequency dupes take them (one supplement per day, per dupe) I'd use more coal for supplements than I would in my coal power plant. All this for the chance of reducing the 'magic sickness chance' (not even eliminating it). Entirely not worth it. I'll live with my athletics penalty and just ignore it.

I don't understand the motivation behind taking a working system, and scrapping it for something that seems such an immense downgrade. What is next? Get rid of power wattage, because that's too complicated?

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I have to call BS; if you have a duplicant in steam they're goona get hurt 100% of the time. Unless you mean one of those crappy ones that does like 500g/s of steam. Other than that, yea, I agreee.

As weird as it sounds, I miss my duplicants throwing up and being useless from food poisoning lol. 

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Disease is better than it was before, but I am still not content with it and I feel like they could rethink it once more. They could've improved how germs can spread. Say, Grimy dupes will spread germs as they walk and other dupes pick up bacteria if they walk on a germy tile, or that germy gas will slowly spread some bacteria into solids submerged in the gas(Yes, this isnt completely realistic), this would be a catastrophe with the new disease system however, since 1 bacteria seems to be the same as 5 million germs.

So we could use a middle ground between this and the new system. Maybe still have a tiny immune system so there's still a small safety-net. And when the tiny immune system is broken there's an exponential chance that they get a disease next time they wake up. It increases the more bacteria they ingest. The immune system can recover 50% every time they wake up, and the chance to get sick starts at 15% or so once the immune system is broken, and increases all the way to 100% if they ingest too many germs. 

This would do that you treat germs less that "I need literally perfectly sterile areas or else they might get sick" and more of that you have to try to optimize so your dupes will ingest as little amounts of bacteria thanks to the more varied ways of bacteria spread. That way sickness will still happen, but not to the point that tiny slipups randomly has a chance to infect.

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On 2019-04-27 at 9:40 PM, Daxterr said:

I have to call BS; if you have a duplicant in steam they're goona get hurt 100% of the time. Unless you mean one of those crappy ones that does like 500g/s of steam. Other than that, yea, I agreee.

I think she did not get scalded as she was at least partially underwater most of the time (buffering the heat increase).

I took a screenshot. "a healthy dupe's body temperature is 37C". Hers was 58.1. Still at 100% health. Her "heatstroke" cured itself, even though her body temp is still climbing.

Meanwhile, several of the other dupes keep getting "slimelung" (no longer as scary as it sounds, more like "slimenose").


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8 hours ago, argh223 said:

I took a screenshot. "a healthy dupe's body temperature is 37C". Hers was 58.1.

Yea that shuld probably change. Heat stroke and hypothermina should last until their body temperature returns to normal plus half a cycle on top of that. Now that it`s neither physical injury nor a germ infection there`s no station that treats it so it was nerfed to being unnoticable. It needs to be a bit more troublesome and maybe have a more severe state where dupes become completely unable to work until their temperature semi normalizes.

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