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Currently there are 3 types of clothing and i expect there will be more in time. But the way they work now is quite clunky and not worth to bother with. Basically everyone is using snazzy suits and call it good. The problem is the dupe's AI is not allowing them to stay in one place for long and when you're building multiple things it's absolutely impossible to track and manage who has what equipped and change it on the fly.

Warm sweater and Cool vest (or whatever the **** it is called) have really nice benefits. it's just pain in the butt to manage. Solution to this situation could be a station where you store clothes you need and dupes would have to equip them before passing through and take them off when returning. Identical function as exosuit station but more accessible and cheaper for early game than making exosuits. 

If there is a modder around here it's a nice idea for a small mod. One that i would gladly use in every world ;)

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It was suggested a couple of times before. I see no reason not to implement it. It would really help when exploring the ice biomes or for sleet wheat farms.

Instead of it being like exosuit docks that take a lot of room it should be a single 1x2 building with a direction arrow and one type of clothing it stores. You`d need 2 if you want snazzy suits inside the base and warm sweaters outside. Also if there are no suits left the dupe should still be able to pass through unlike the exosuit checkpoint.

I wonder if modders didn`t make something like that already.

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