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IR radiation for cooling

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So the outer shell of the asteriod gets very hot from falling meteors and takes a long time to cool down. But IRL, the heat would dissipate much quicker through IR radiation and it would pose a new problem or an ammenity in the  game - drastic temperature changes, much like here on Earth. During the night it could be used for cooling, but in the day it would get hot since there is no atmosphere to reflect or absorbe the heat so the material would go through drastic temperture changes. I think everything exposed to space should iradiate its' heat away. Because right now players only have problems with heat and not with cold. So during daytime, the surface could be used for solar power and heating, but during the night it would be used for cooling. This would also open many new chances with automation for example: You want to cool your power station at night and at day you want to heat your living quarters. You would use the same cooling/heating loop, but it would reroute the liquid depending on the time of the day. It would also be useful because right now heat is a predominant problem to your colony. I think it would balance the game a little more and make it easier to cool your colony. I do realise that the current heat mechanics aren't fast so I would be a little odd. It would also bring in seasons ( a bit of a stretch, I know) like on Earth. Please don't be mad, upset or make fun of me because it's just an idea that would ( for me at least ) make the game easier and more immersive. You are welcome to comment and let me know your opinions on the topic. (don't correct my spelling mistakes, I wrote it on the fly and was making things up along the way and english isn't my native language)

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I think, this is too complicated to be implmented. Not the technical side, but the understanding for common users.

Systems have to be rather simple. Either cooling, OR heating. A system, that heats sometimes, and cools otherwise, is manageable, but not intuitive.

Another problem is, there is way too much day, and only a very short night. The balance would be totally off. 

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53 minutes ago, SharraShimada said:

Systems have to be rather simple. Either cooling, OR heating. A system, that heats sometimes, and cools otherwise, is manageable, but not intuitive.

maybe give up a bit of realism and just make it a cooler?

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Few months ago i made mod which doing almost exactly this(except seasons, but its easiest part), i haven't published it anywhere it was just for testing concept. Using all realistic formulas and constants, it is quite interesting effect, but inertia/thermal mass of tiles too big to have dramatic change in temperature during day/night cycle. With realistic data its not effective to cool stuff below ~350K, but at 1000K cooling very fast, which mean can be used in junction with aquatuner to kill heat, realistically kill heat. Also steam condensing at night - useful for steam turbine.

If interested and dont mind messing with modloaders, i could compile it for current version of the game. Just to look an idea in action.

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1 hour ago, D.L.S. said:

If interested and dont mind messing with modloaders, i could compile it for current version of the game. Just to look an idea in action.

To be honest I'm pretty new to this so I don't really know what and how am I supposed to do that. But it is nice to see that someone else had the ( partialy) same idea.

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