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evolving quotes

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wouldnt it be awesome if the quotes wasnt always the same?

an example would be wickerbottoms quote for grass gecko (i know its from DST, but does it matter?)


ive never seen this species before, seem quite harmless

and after you've spent some time in that world, or been around geckos for enough time, it would "evolve" into:


it seem to be made of plants!

or something like that

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After having written every single line (excluding Hamlet) for some custom mod characters, I can say that while it would be awesome, it is something that's rather tedious. 
I rather figure the lads at Klei might have a way to make it less tedious should this ever cross their minds, however, those 2'000 or so lines just continues to grow with each content adding update.

Maybe it's something we can get later down the line, or even an idea for those folk down in the modding industry. 

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