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Share your most effective implementation of beemines, whether it be in combination with tooth-traps for the Deerclops or as an extra security measure.


I'm personally planning to plant a bunch around my bee boxes, which will provoke all of them to come out and contribute to the conflict. There might be a risk factor with the Red Hounds though. Always the damn Red Hounds.

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I don't agree that tooth traps are superior in all scenarios.


Facts: tooth traps are stationary and once triggered cannot do damage again until reset (which is not possible in middle of a fight unless you freeze everyone and go reset traps meanwhile lol). Bee mine on the other hand, will continue attacking all aggressive targets in range, as well as pursue targets until they are dead - or the bees destroyed. 1 Bee mine can deal with multiple attackers serving as distraction as well, while 1 tooth trap will only damage 1 attacker once.


If I want to farm frog legs from my 12 lakes, I won't make rabbit traps nor tooth traps because it takes too much time & resources to create and deploy an acceptable number, while I can drop 2-3 bee mines (or some warrior bees) and have them clear the whole area of frogs.

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By the time I remember bee mines, I don't need them. And if I somehow remember them when I'm finally in a place where I can catch enough after setting enough bee boxes up/happen to set up my main base close enough to enough beehives for extra bees, it's just not worth the net's durability when the tooth traps or natural defenses of my neighbors do it nine times out of ten. Maybe (like Teo) I might have one or two (agree that they are better than having to reset them in time when in the middle of combat and the tooth trap is sprung,) but it does seem more like a "boutique"  weapon than regular weapon or occasional afterthought in my game-play.



But if I happen to get in a situation where an enemy smashes hives and I got stray bees flying around (and i don't need to pollinate flowers,) i might make a couple as not to waste the remaining bees. 

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