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    I love the communities of video games such as Don't Starve or Minecraft! I love Don't Starve's Community especially such a great community! Keep up your work!
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    In some random Dimension, I don't know! Go take a walk through the void, trust me!
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    Gaming, School


  • Don't Starve

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  1. I did this for Halloween. I was going to go trick or treating in it with my little cousion but I didn't get to since it rained and he was getting over a cold and doesn't have an umbrella appearently so might as well post this because happiness So what was I doing? Oh right! The cosplay here it is: file:///C:/Users/Simon/Pictures/Halloween%20Cosplay-Why%20are%20you%20reading%20this%20text-it%20means%20nothing%20but%20to%20distract%20your%20attention.png
  2. two things: 1.) "Charlie the Drunken Guinea Pig" was around when Smosh were A LOT less racist (no sereously I think that they are kinda racist and a lot less funny unlike back then when their ideas were infinite.) 2.) I dressed up as Wilson for Halloween. I wish I could send a link to the picture but it'll envolve me extracting it from skype and putting it here or on a cosplay thread ( I look so much like Wilson, that it is 2sppoky). About Wilson's hair btw: Most of us wonder what it is too! Great sketches!
  3. A hoof to the face. Finished with a giant darkness beam to the eyes and mouth,
  4. So let me get this straight... Maxwell has a shadow horse he made while fragmenting his' mind? Dang!
  5. Hooray for monster Wilson's finest return!
  6. Speaking of which looks like the shadow hands began to drop at image 5
  7. I just saw the new picture. She's f**k'd. I knew there was something on the chandelier! And it looks like Maxwell was trapped so I got a bit of a theory here... Deamon Maxwell trapped the real Maxwell in the painting taking over EVERYTHING he posesses. His' memories, thought, powers, etc. of course the regular maxwell (or William) has all that but the powers he gets. Then Charlie looks behind her at the last second and sees the hands and the Maxwell photo in panic, getting taken by the hands.
  8. Then Charlie's face appears screaming "help me!" for a few seconds.
  9. Wow. I only got up to the map and I just quit. I guess scary games get the best of me. By the way did you know you can get Don't Stare stuff in there (obviously since it's a Don't Starve mod but...) also some of the characters (the kid and campleader have Wilson's Hairstyle. It's pretty funny
  10. Is it just me or do the texture files of some of the characters such as "Child" Demonchild" and "Campleader" all have Wilson's hairstyle and some similiar facial expressions
  11. Same here. Couldn't get past the point where you obtain your map.
  12. I give all credit to Klei for making the scariest game since Amnesia or one of the ever so infinitley pointless Slender games. I mean, Don't Stare is secretley cryptic when you look at even the simplest of aspects, Screeher probably is in the exact same universe of Don't Starve (which is all part of the ever so infinitley expanding faster than a universe- Multiverse) I cannot go though a few minutes of gameplay after hearing all the scrams! I don't see why Klei hasn't gotten the World's Scariest Game (or sub-game) award- 2013
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