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The return of the content creators support program


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I play Don't Starve a good time. And love for this game has made me devote much of my time to his disclosure. It has been more or less than 3 years contributing to a community of Don 't Starve, the "Don't Starve Brasil", there is no better sensation than to see it grow. This post is dedicated to all communities and content creators both of the Don 't Starve and of the other games of the Klei.

I'm going to tell you a little bit about her story, we started in mid-2013, well at the beginning of the game's launch, with a group "Don't Starve Brasil", it has 4 years of existence, a despite the few members, currently 6,323 integrals, it is super quiet and non-toxic , all sorts of content is posted there, tips, help, tutorials, videos, memes, arts, everything has caused her to grow up a lot.



More or less a year later, we decided to create a page, something more formal and easier to communicate and disseminate information about the game, the goal always was to keep the game fans informed, in addition to focusing the same goal of the group, posting dials, tutorials , videos, arts, memes, divulge the promotions and games of the Klei... Currently it has been growing a lot, this year we have achieved more than 2000 followers, 5,671 in total, we give the maximum to keep the page always active. The best thing to manage it is to see the H Y P E and the guys in the launching of DLCS, skins, updates and events, it's amazing how the community likes. From time to time we do sweepstakes, events, competitions, such as the "Art Challenge" (@Jan was ill for that little confusion XD), Halloween nights, an event that is a little late, but will come out, we are just preparing the servers and awards.



Soon in 2014, the DST closed beta, we decided to create the group "Don't Starve Together Brasil", in order to organize the DST servers, I think it was the biggest mistake we made, why divide the community?, today the two groups are active, but the functions sometimes become a Sarrumadas, but flow, as the Don 't Starve Together has been more popular, the group grew fast, today owns 5,398 members. The intention is currently the dissemination of servers, exchanges of skins, arts, memes, updates, etc...


Our discord is recent, but it has been very ultilizado, created in 2016 aiming to facilitate communication between users. We have voice channels, text, everything organized and separated like: areas devoted to art, The Forge, Single Player, Don't Starve Together. To try to leave the most active discord, we have several bots, such as music, in addition to making several competitions and events dedicated only to the members of discord, very recently we made an art contest with the Halloween theme, various arts were sent. Currently our server counts with about 1600 members, with the arrival of the Forge, there was a large growth, about 300 new members. We are trying to form a partnership with discord to get a customized URL



We also have Twitter, although not very active, occasionally we post something.



In partnership as a player, now we possess a dedicated server reserved for the Brazilian community, it gets online 24 hours, it is public, but has some precautions before anyone enters, to avoid brands and trolls. But it's simple, just entering the Steam group.


We are with two designs in mind, the first, the back of the Youtube channel and creating a site, it may take awhile, even organize everything.



>http://www.dontstarvebrasil.com ?

Although it is a little long history, it has given to realize that our work is not easy, managing a community is not for anyone. Unfortunately we cease to do many things for lack of support, servers, skins... We do for the community and for the community, we receive nothing in return except for the support of the community. I ask the heart of the programme to support content creators, not just for me, but by so many other communities such as the
Don't Starve Communauté française, we admire a lot of their work, has a rich site, Don't Starve Latinos, among many others like the people who update the Wikia. A help or recognition would be something of a lot of help to content creators.

I follow the Klei a long time, and I know she's not going to disappoint us.

I thank our administrators and content creators: Kynoox, Idunn, Guilherme Borges,Mooka, Fazmaz, PequeTrash, Henry, Cerrêbobo ... For helping to keep the community alive.

(I'm sorry about my lousy Englishman.)

@nome @JoeW @HugoM @JanH @Cheerio




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