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How cool down magma biomes?

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The best way to absorb the heat is probably polluted water. Drop polluted water down there, let it turn into steam, find a zone where the temperature gets low enough to pump, and pump it into a void.

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23 hours ago, Kasuha said:

It'd be more efficient to tackle it from above or at least from side. Heat has much stronger tendency to propagate upwards than downwards in gases in ONI.

I have similar setup down below the map, takes so long too. And i dropped tons of ice in there, much steam, very wow.

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1 hour ago, Scorpio King said:

I have similar setup down below the map, takes so long too. And i dropped tons of ice in there, much steam, very wow.

Using polluted water is probably the best method. Splash it with 40 C polluted water from your air scrubbers, each kg of that water will absorb 480 kJ of heat before it turns to steam. Liquefy the steam using wheezeworts into 95 C water and feed your air scrubbers with it again - that's probably the most efficient approach.

Other/alternative approaches involve:

- cool it with Natural gas, then feed that hot gas to your NG generators

- cool it with CO2 from your NG generators, then feed that hot CO2 to your air scrubbers

In both cases, direct contact of the gas with the hot material is much better than trying to use radiators to cool air around them. And the amount of destroyed heat is much less limited by amount of wheezeworts you have in your map.

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