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Talking whilst running

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If you're thinking I'm talking about writing in chat whilst running, that's not really what I'm asking for. Although, that would be neat and save players time. What I am suggesting is for character to have an animation where they talk, but also run at the same time. And mechanically, this would also enable for characters to keep their speech instruments playing while they're running, because in scenarios like the attack quote when attacking something, you often don't hear any sound, because the sound gets cut due to player running. And them doing this doesn't actually make any sense. Like, when you examine something, you probably want to be moving forward whilst examining it and although you will get the speech, you won't get the sound or an animation of the character talking.


On a side note, I think it would be better if instead of some generic Aerial or Calibri or whatever the format for the speech strings is, was the Don't Starve Together letter format, which strangely enough is also seen in the Forbidden Knowledge trailer:

Also, the speech gradually popping in and gradually fading upwards (as seen in the trailer, basically) would be cool too. And perhaps, if one's speech is interrupted by something like a spider upon attacking the player, the player's speech would pop out or something, so you would need to make sure that you're not being attacked or something whilst examining things most times. And plus it makes a bit more sense... I mean, why would I be saying a long sentence about a wall that needs repairing and when a dog bites me, I don't get interrupted and say "aaaagh" instead?

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On 15.8.2016 at 8:32 PM, TheTraditionalGentleman said:

This would make for some nice tweaks. Maybe even make it so that each character has a different font for their speech. Granted, that might be a bit excessive . . .

Just don't insert comic sans, please.

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I know it was only a small part of the post, but being able to keep moving with mouse clicks (or other non-letter inputs) while keeping the chat window open would be amazing. I swear that each time I stop to respond to someone while traversing a swamp, the game spawns a tentacle at my feet.

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