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Game crashes when picking up a custom bag and i'm not the host

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I have one problem with my costum backpack. It works fine as long as you are the host and use it. But If someone else picks it up, his game will crash with attached log.


I think its because the images wouldn't load on his side, but i cant figure out why and how to fix it either.


Some help would be appreciated.


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I already fixed that error, to get stuck with:

Attempting to send resume request
Movement prediction enabled    
Deserialize local session session/09900001953A5D68/KU_KIcrqTgj
Failed to load minimap from session data: session/09900001953A5D68/KU_KIcrqTgj_minimap
[string "scripts/widgets/containerwidget.lua"]:29: attempt to index local 'widget' (a nil value)
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
scripts/screens/playerhud.lua:166 in (method) OpenContainer (Lua) <153-171>
   self =
      fireover = FireOver
      shown = true
      overlayroot = overlays
      inst = 100073 -  (valid:true)
      focus = true
      handlers = table: 10E67D40
      children = table: 10E67A98
      clouds = UIAnim
      enabled = true
      focus_target = false
      vig = UIAnim
      under_root = under_root
      owner = 100072 - izim (valid:true)
      controls = Controls
      eventannouncer = EventAnnouncer
      iceover = IceOver
      root = root
      name = HUD
      focus_flow_args = table: 10E67D18
      focus_flow = table: 10E67CF0
      callbacks = table: 10E67AE8
      parent = screenroot
      bloodover = BloodOver
   container = 100501 - pak (valid:true)
   side = false
   containerwidget = Container
scripts/components/container_replica.lua:202 in (method) Open (Lua) <188-209>
   self =
      ondetachclassified = function - scripts/components/container_replica.lua:64
      acceptsstacks = true
      _numslots = 0
      _isopen = false
      issidewidget = false
      _cannotbeopened = net_bool (22D95EE0)
      classified = 100740 - container_classified (valid:true)
      inst = 100501 - pak (valid:true)
   doer = 100072 - izim (valid:true)
scripts/components/container_replica.lua:58 in (field) fn (Lua) <56-59>
   inst = 100501 - pak (valid:true)
   self =
      ondetachclassified = function - scripts/components/container_replica.lua:64
      acceptsstacks = true
      _numslots = 0
      _isopen = false
      issidewidget = false
      _cannotbeopened = net_bool (22D95EE0)
      classified = 100740 - container_classified (valid:true)
      inst = 100501 - pak (valid:true)
scripts/scheduler.lua:170 in (method) OnTick (Lua) <144-199>
   self =
      running = table: 104EAA58
      waitingfortick = table: 104EAA30
      tasks = table: 104EAA08
      waking = table: 22E641D0
      attime = table: 104EAAD0
      hibernating = table: 104EAAA8
   tick = 474
   k = PERIODIC 100501: 0.000000
   v = true
   already_dead = false
scripts/scheduler.lua:380 in (global) RunScheduler (Lua) <378-386>
   tick = 474
scripts/update.lua:134 in () ? (Lua) <118-180>
   dt = 0.033333335071802
   tick = 474
   i = 474

SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen    
QueryServerComplete no callback
QueryServerComplete no callback
Force aborting...

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@Purswader, It looks like the container component isn't being replicated. This could be because of several things, but I'm guessing you don't have an inst.entity:AddNetwork() call in your backpack's constructor. If that's the case, I'd suggest looking at how the backpack prefab file changed between single player and DST, as there are several other relevant changes (most notably the if not TheWorld.ismastersim then return end part).


Also, as with any other custom item mods, you should have all_clients_require_mod set to true in the modinfo, but you may have done that already.

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@Purswader, It looks like the container component isn't being replicated. This could be because of several things, but I'm guessing you don't have an inst.entity:AddNetwork() call in your backpack's constructor. If that's the case, I'd suggest looking at how the backpack prefab file changed between single player and DST, as there are several other relevant changes (most notably the if not TheWorld.ismastersim then return end part).


Also, as with any other custom item mods, you should have all_clients_require_mod set to true in the modinfo, but you may have done that already.


Thanks for that very quick response.


I have all that changes implemented. You can take a look at my code here:


local easing = require "easing"local assets={	Asset("ANIM", "anim/backpack.zip"),	Asset("ANIM", "anim/swap_pak.zip"),	Asset( "IMAGE", "minimap/pak.tex" ),    Asset( "ATLAS", "minimap/pak.xml" ),	Asset("IMAGE", "images/inventoryimages/pak.tex"),	    Asset("ATLAS", "images/inventoryimages/pak.xml"),}local function onequip(inst, owner)     owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_body", "swap_pak", "pak")    owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol("swap_body", "swap_pak", "swap_body")    --owner.components.inventory:SetOverflow(inst)    inst.components.container:Open(owner)	local walkspeed = (owner.components.locomotor.walkspeed * 1.25)    local runspeed = (owner.components.locomotor.runspeed * 1.25)    endlocal function onunequip(inst, owner)     owner.AnimState:ClearOverrideSymbol("swap_body")    owner.AnimState:ClearOverrideSymbol("backpack")   -- owner.components.inventory:SetOverflow(nil)    inst.components.container:Close(owner)endlocal function OnOpen(inst)      --  inst.sg:GoToState("open")			inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/backpack_open", "open")end local function OnClose(inst)     --   inst.sg:GoToState("close")			inst.SoundEmitter:PlaySound("dontstarve/wilson/backpack_close", "open")end local slotpos = {}for y = 0, 3 do	table.insert(slotpos, Vector3(-162, -y*75 + 114 ,0))	table.insert(slotpos, Vector3(-162 +75, -y*75 + 114 ,0))endlocal function fn()	local inst = CreateEntity() 	inst.entity:AddTransform()	inst.entity:AddAnimState()	inst.entity:AddSoundEmitter()    inst.entity:AddMiniMapEntity()    inst.entity:AddNetwork() --    inst.components.container.itemtestfn = itemtest    MakeInventoryPhysics(inst)        inst.AnimState:SetBank("backpack1")    inst.AnimState:SetBuild("swap_pak")    inst.AnimState:PlayAnimation("anim")	local minimap = inst.entity:AddMiniMapEntity()	minimap:SetIcon("pak.tex")    if not TheWorld.ismastersim then        return inst    end        inst:AddComponent("inspectable")    inst:AddComponent("dapperness")    inst.components.dapperness.dapperness = TUNING.DAPPERNESS_TINY    inst:AddComponent("inventoryitem")	inst.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer = false	inst.components.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/pak.xml"    inst.replica.inventoryitem.atlasname = "images/inventoryimages/pak.xml"    inst.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer = true    inst.components.inventoryitem.foleysound = "dontstarve/movement/foley/backpack"    inst:AddComponent("equippable")    inst.components.equippable.equipslot = EQUIPSLOTS.BODY        inst.components.equippable:SetOnEquip( onequip )    inst.components.equippable:SetOnUnequip( onunequip )	    inst.entity:SetPristine()    inst.components.dapperness.dapperness = ((TUNING.DAPPERNESS_MED*2))    --inst.entity:AddNetwork()    inst:AddComponent("container")	--inst:AddComponent("container_replica")	    inst.components.container:WidgetSetup("backpack")	--inst.components.container_replica:WidgetSetup("backpack")    MakeHauntableLaunchAndDropFirstItem(inst)    inst.components.container.onopenfn = OnOpen    inst.components.container.onclosefn = OnClose	--inst:AddComponent("container_replica")	--heaviness(inst)	--nocontainers(inst)        return instendreturn Prefab( "scripts/prefabs/pak", fn, assets) 

And my modinfo contains

client_only_mod = false

And my friend and i got the very same version of the mod, while testing it.

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Ah! Glad to see you've taken a look at the new code already. Let's see...


Some things you should probably change, but I don't think are related to the problem you're encountering:

  • I think you want SetPristine() to be right after the if not ismastersim part.
  • It looks like the foleysound should be set before ismastersim, using inst.foleysound = "dontstarve/movement/foley/backpack"
  • Shouldn't the return Prefab part be using "common/inventory/pak"?
  • You're setting inst.components.inventoryitem.cangoincontainer twice in a row.
  •  backpack doesn't have OnOpen/OnClose functions stored in the container component anymore.

I think I figured out what's causing the crash, and basically it's not your fault. The widget gets populated by a call to containers.widgetsetup, which on the host is called with the arguments self, prefab (where prefab is the "backpack" argument you gave to WidgetSetup). If you look at container_replica, though, on clients, it only passes self, and containters.widgetsetup looks at self.inst.prefab for the setup instead. I think this may just be something that @PeterA needs to fix.


In the meantime, it might work to bypass this behavior by overriding containers.widgetsetup like this:

local containers = GLOBAL.require("containers")local oldwidgetsetup = containers.widgetsetupcontainers.widgetsetup = function(container, prefab)	if not prefab and container.inst.prefab == "pak" then		prefab = "backpack"	end	oldwidgetsetup(container, prefab)end
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In the meantime, it might work to bypass this behavior by overriding containers.widgetsetup like this:

local containers = GLOBAL.require("containers")local oldwidgetsetup = containers.widgetsetupcontainers.widgetsetup = function(container, prefab)	if not prefab and container.inst.prefab == "pak" then		prefab = "backpack"	end	oldwidgetsetup(container, prefab)end


Maybe you can explain me how to override the function in detail? I keep getting errors :/


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rezecib, i tried to modify the original containers file into:

local cooking = require("cooking")local params = {}local containers = { MAXITEMSLOTS = 0 }function containers.widgetsetup(container, prefab)    local t = params[prefab or container.inst.prefab]    if t ~= nil then        for k, v in pairs(t) do            container[k] = v        end        container:SetNumSlots(container.widget.slotpos ~= nil and #container.widget.slotpos or 0)    endendlocal oldwidgetsetup = containers.widgetsetupcontainers.widgetsetup = function(container, prefab)    if not prefab and container.inst.prefab == "pak" then        prefab = "backpack"    end    oldwidgetsetup(container, prefab)end...

and the game just crashes on loading with:

...[string "../mods/zim together/scripts/containers.lua"]:20: loop or previous error loading module 'containers'LUA ERROR stack traceback:../mods/zim together/scripts/containers.lua:20 in () ? (main) <0-0>   cooking = table: 0BEEF578   params = table: 0BEEFD98   containers = table: 0BEEF690=[C]:-1 in (global) require (C) <-1--1>scripts/prefabs/container_classified.lua:1 in (local) fn (main) <0-0>scripts/mainfunctions.lua:80 in (global) LoadPrefabFile (Lua) <72-92>   filename = prefabs/container_classified   fn = function - scripts/prefabs/container_classified.lua:0   r = nilscripts/gamelogic.lua:156 in (upvalue) LoadAssets (Lua) <112-203>   asset_set = FRONTEND   load_frontend = true   in_backend = false   in_frontend = true   i = 77   file = container_classifiedscripts/gamelogic.lua:1115 in (upvalue) DoResetAction (Lua) <1051-1120>scripts/gamelogic.lua:1131 in (local) complete_callback (Lua) <1123-1132>scripts/upsell.lua:27 in (global) UpdateGamePurchasedState (Lua) <11-30>   complete_callback = function - scripts/gamelogic.lua:1123scripts/gamelogic.lua:1136 in () ? (Lua) <1134-1137>=[C]:-1 in (method) SetPersistentString (C) <-1--1>...

and i think i am doing something very wrong

oh wait... my fault

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I don't have the code right now but I got it to work just as similar as your code to replace/overload the widgetsetup function.

Did have a crash once (as a client) but I just ignore it. Played a few more hours without crash.


Thanks for your help!

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