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Reduce amount of rabid beetles

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So i've been playing Hamlet for quite a while and glow flies eventually begin spawning in an exaggerate amount. After that, they begin their process of becoming rabid beetles. The thing is, there's just too many of them, causing incredible amounts of lag, as there's about 30 of those buggers following me everywhere. I don't think it's necessary to have that many beetles, as they become more annoying than a challenge itself. My game runs okay (about 39-45 fps) but whenever beetles start "hatching" and following me everywhere my game runs about 4 fps, which eventually leads me to my demise. Perchance it would be good to increase a little bit the chance of light bulbs and decrease the spawn rate of them flies?

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Exactly! That just happened to me. The worst part is that they run so fast and there is no way to run away from them. And the game could not handle this amount of mobs at the same time, so the FPS dropped so low that it is basically a torturing death sentence

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Bug B'Gone can be used against Rabid Beetles. Just run those little punks through the gas cloud. It has 20 uses so it should be enough for multiple humid seasons. And if it effects your performance, perhaps spray the cloud first, hatch a small group of beetles and run straight toward the cloud.

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