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General things I felt when playing

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Right-o! So. Here goes

-In the pig biome area, where the farms and things are, could there be some more plant life and... know... things? Just tea trees is a liiiiiitle boring to look at

-A path to the village? Just from really close to spawn, like in frame. It can be annoying to search their whole biome and then realize you just missed a tiny spot

-Interactions between pigs? Just you know... talking, maybe there could be tables in front of the deli for them to eat at... you know. They feel a little dead just wandering around

-Some reason to buy a house? My ideas for this are maybe the more expensive you decorate the house, there could be a sanity bonus? Maybe some sort of functional bit? I was super excited when I heard you can buy a house, but in the end, it was just really underwhelming. 

-Less of those gosh darn danger vines!!! They make the area impassable and it is really annoying

-More charecters. For instance, in Shipwrecked we got 2 useful characters and one challenge charecter. Here, we only have a challenge character.

-Make it somewhat possible to dodge arrows in some rooms in the temples. Especially the ones with all the idols in them.

-Perhaps some sort of cerfew in the town. After dark, the guards would tell you to leave/attack and thieves would be everywhere. You know, just to spice things up.


Overall, SUPER COOL. Just like in shipwrecked, you guys give us a basically different game and market it as a cheaper DLC. Absolutely amazing Klei!!

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11 hours ago, mr peeps said:

Less of those gosh darn danger vines!!! They make the area impassable and it is really annoying

-More charecters. For instance, in Shipwrecked we got 2 useful characters and one challenge charecter. Here, we only have a challenge character.

-Make it somewhat possible to dodge arrows in some rooms in the temples. Especially the ones with all the idols in them.

-Perhaps some sort of cerfew in the town. After dark, the guards would tell you to leave/attack and thieves would be everywhere. You know, just to spice things up.


Less Vines: I wholeheartedly agree. Not only are they annoying but when they fight snaptraps, they drop rope to be traded

More characters: we have another character in the files. Also, we got 4 SW characters. Don’t blame you for forgetting, not all were memorable.

Dodge arrows: Possible. Line yourself up so you can *almost* walk past the idol horizontally.

Curfew: It would be nice to do this. You’d also need to get kicked out of shops.


You’ve got some really good suggestions, if I may say so myself!

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