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Game Update 288118, The Modders Change-log!

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this is a full list of changes, including stuff klei might have glossed over in their patch notes!
(note: this is only code changes, it would be far to taxing at-least at this moment to go over image and animation changes)

  • minisigns are working properly with custom atlas'es now! they check if the item has a atlas and use that now, they still fallback to the default atlas if that doesnt exist.
  • a new event is pushed when the player changes characters via the moon-postern "ms_playerreroll"
  • when the player despawns via the moon postern the function player:SaveForReroll() is called if it exists, it has no arguements(except the player) and returns a table containing the save data.
  • when the player respawns after picking a character, player:LoadForReroll(savedata) is called, with savedata being the table that was created with player:SaveForReroll()
  • a new event "ms_newplayerspawned" is pushed for a player, after the first time spawning(to note: as far as I can tell this gets also called when respawning from the moon-postern.)

that's all the changes for this update, expect these with every update that klei pushes!
for a more gameplay related overview of this update checkout Game Update 288118, The Players Change-log!

Next update: Game Update 288704, The Modders Change-log!

Edited by Zarklord
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