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Need help with a custom mod really desperate

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I really need help with this custom sound mod whenever i eat it says disgusting but if i eat something like berries it cuts out and if i eat a large meat and move it cuts out I really want to know how to fix this here is a link to a youtube video that shows the sounds 

and also the mod link is here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1477293451 help would be greatly appreciated or any tips thank u :D.

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The stategraph for quickeat cancels the sound emitter sooner than the one for just eat. Unless you want to overide the states to prevent this a simple solution is just to make the default eat sound blank, and call your own non looping sound when a player eats. Using playerpostinit you can wrap the oneat function that is similarly used by wx78 without overiding it for other mods and just play your own unique sound that way.

This only works for reskin/sound mods, not for giving custom sound for a specific character which will require modifying the states for individual characters.

I am absurdly busy atm, and have been unable to attend the forums for extended periods of time.


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