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Improving custom character animation

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Is it possible to improve your character animation ? 

by that i mean editing each action animation to fits your character

because the character i made is using the scale up code but the thing is 

i want to make him look better on each action by editing each action to suit his big build 

i'm not asking for someone to make it for me but in fact i wanna learn how things work 



i want to improve character animation but i'm not sure how to do it 

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I mean nothing isn't impossible to do with modding if you are creative enough, but what you are asking is to redo over 200+ animations many of which are multifacing. A task nearly no sane individual would do, but what kind of wilson's are we if we didn't experiment. Using the animation tutorial build

You can then decompile, player animations into spriter files using krane

With a lot of patience, you can also decompile other symbols like beefalo etc, and merge spriter files together.

I have made my own beefalo riding and player animations using this method.

Some final tips for now:

Unless you are adding animations to default character banks, you'll want to make sure the spriter bank is not defaulted to wilson or wilsonbeefalo, as you'll be overiding default animations.

You'll need to overide your characters bank to your custom ones.

I recommend starting with easier animations like idle as that is played very frequently.

Also your spriter file will look extremely messed up, and generally will not correlate with what's going on in game, this is normal as the pivot points are usually accurate in the spriter file despite the symbols being wierd sometimes. In addition you'll want to follow the animation tutorial on how to properly make animations as you'll need to rename symbols etc, to match the don't starve ones.

You'll also want to delete the build and tex files from your exported .zip as they can be pretty big, especially if you have a lot of duplicates. I am pretty sure there is a filesize limit to uploading mods on the steam workshop of 100MB unless klei updated the api.

Honestly I can't really provide much more help, most of the information is from those two links. The rest is going to be a lot of experimenting trial and error, but I'll do what I can regarding some spriter stuff. But I am super busy in general...

Edited by IronHunter
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200+ animations ? 

pff this sound rather interesting ~


also i have few questions -

what do you mean by merge the spriter files together ??

and how do i make sure the default bank not defaulted to wilson or wilsonbeefalo ?

will autocompiler do the job ? or do i have the compile manually ?

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12 minutes ago, Kronas said:

200+ animations ? 

pff this sound rather interesting ~


also i have few questions -

what do you mean by merge the spriter files together ??

and how do i make sure the default bank not defaulted to wilson or wilsonbeefalo ?

will autocompiler do the job ? or do i have the compile manually ?

you'll only need to merge spriter files if you are missing symbols, for an animation.

Basically for example you want to make a beefalo animation, you'll decompile a wilsonbeefalo animation using the beefalo build and one with the playeranimationtemplate. Then you'll need to merge the files, the easiest way to do that is open up the two files into a text editor and copy the animations and folders over and using find/replace reserialize the new additions to follow the file of the original. Once you have done this once, you can reuse the build from that animation for other wilsonbeefalo animations for example. There are tons of examples like reading book effects, bedroll...

I wouldn't worry about it until you have made a simpler animation first, also the autocompiler should be able to compile these animations as it does for me.

The bank is the animation bank in spriter if you look to the right of spriter's interface you should see a list of animations in your spriter file. The name of the bank there is the name of the animation bank. If you want to add to an existing bank like wilson or wilsonbeefalo we use those, but if you want to make your own custom one. Then you'll want to make a new standard bank just for your character.

Edited by IronHunter
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