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Temporary priorities (or named priorities profile)

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Let's say that, for whatever reason, I want to expand my colony now, so I set the dig and construct priority to "very high" for all my dupes, and once the expansion rush is done I set the priorities back.  If all of the dupes had "standard" as their priorities for dig and construct then that's easy, but if not then I have to remember which priorities I set for which dupes.  I might have also had dupes which had a "very high" priority for something else which I lowered to make them  concentrate solely on the expansions, and I'd have to restore those also.

To help with such a situation the priority UI could provide a "start making temporary changes" button.  You press the button, make changes, then once the changes are no longer useful/relevant you press the "undo temporary changes" button and the priorities would be reverted to what they were before.  Alternatively, the UI could let you save a set of priorities as a named profile, which you could then load/restore later, but I don't think there'd be enough use for named priority profiles to justify implementing it that way.

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Agree with Matthew Cline. Maybe just a "temporary prioritise" checkbox at the top of the priorities screen, one checkbox per category. Doing this greys out the individual dupe priorites for that category and overrides them with highest priority so you cant make it too complicated for yourself. Unchecking the checkbox returns dupe priority levels to their previous state. I also wished for this when I had a few critical rooms needed built but wanted the base running back to normal right afterwards.

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