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New Food Ideas

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Just some funny ideas:


Microbe Musher

Protein Bar (meat + egg)... " The breakfast of champions! "


Electric Grill

Moldy Bread (sleet wheat + dust cap) ....." Now with penicillin! "

Berry Surprise (bristle berry + meal lice) ....." There's a worm in my fruit! "

Fire Shroom (dust cap + pincha peppernut) ..... " Drink with water to avoid spontaneous combustion! "

Mystery Stew (dust cap + meal lice) ....." Taste better if you don't ask what's in it! "

Redneck Delicacy (mush bar + rot pile) ..... " Pinch nose while eating to prevent vomiting! "

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Not bad, do you have thoughts on the quality levels?  I would recommend

Berry Surprise q0

Mystery Stew q1

Fire Shroom q3

Protein Bar q4-5 (I particularly like that this is a Musher Recipe)

I don't think rotten foods should be cooked/used, defeats the point of having them rot.  Also I have my own Wheat + Mushroom recipe called the SnowCap Burger (made from a Frost Bun and Fried Mushroom) that I like better then another bread loaf

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1 hour ago, ImpalerWrG said:

I don't think rotten foods should be cooked/used, defeats the point of having them rot.  Also I have my own Wheat + Mushroom recipe called the SnowCap Burger (made from a Frost Bun and Fried Mushroom) that I like better then another bread loaf

the Redneck Delicacy was more of a joke, I like the SnowCap Burger idea

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3 hours ago, ImpalerWrG said:

Not bad, do you have thoughts on the quality levels?  I would recommend

Berry Surprise q0

You would have to balance quality with kcal count, after all why would players want to spend bristle berries on a q0 when gristle is q1?

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