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Sweep Oddities in last week of updates

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So last week I couldn't get my dupes to sweep anything unless I had prioritised the sweep above all else. This week (possibly because of recent updates) - my dupes seem really, really keen to sweep - in fact annoyingly they are sweeping and ignoring their job professions when there's other work they should be doing. My sweep order is set to default priority, and other priorities are also default. But although for example there is tons of stuff to build in my base, my Architect insists on sweeping instead. Setting priorities on other tasks to higher than default does stop the dupes from sweeping. But when all tasks/buildings etc are set to default priority, a lot of the Job dupes seem to want to sweep instead.

Has anyone else noticed this behaviour? Possibly a bug?


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There are two ways to sweep - sweep command and sweep chore.

If you mark things for sweeping, that's a sweep command. This one was traditionally coming before most other orders on the same priority level. Only with occupational update there were some changes to it and maybe it was given back its sub-priority level now? I haven't tested the latest build yet.

If you leave stuff on the ground and have compactors not marked "sweep only", duplicants will go doing sweep chore, sweeping random materials into compactors. This was traditionally coming after other orders and chores at the same priority. 

Priority of the sweep chore can be adjusted by setting priority on the compactor. If you have a compactor for slime and set it to high priority, duplicants will automatically sweep slime at that high priority. I usually have most compactors set to priority 4 so it's certain duplicants won't start sweeping into them before they're done with all priority 5 orders I gave to them.

Priority of sweep order is set up by the tool's priority when you're marking stuff for sweeping. A lot of the time there's a reason to mark it with elevated priority so it's done before other work.

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Thanks folks. Yeah I have been using the Sweep command because no dupe is sweeping as a chore (even though all dupes have it ticked in their job lists, and even the Groundskeeper isn't doing it). There's just too much important chores or orders for them to do instead. The problem is that to even get anyone to do the sweep command I have to set it to as high priority as other important tasks, and then every dupe wants to sweep rather than life threatening tasks of equal priority in the list.

So is the best tactic to set certain compactors to Sweep only and give the compactors an equal priority to my other priority tasks? Then will my sweep chore dupes start sweeping at more regular intervals?

On the same topic, algae/slime is a massive issue for me, so sweeping it as soon as its mined or produced is top priorty. If I want to automate that, could I just set some compactors on a high priority, set them to sweep only, and set their contents to algae/slime? Cheers.

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5 hours ago, Jigsawn said:

On the same topic, algae/slime is a massive issue for me, so sweeping it as soon as its mined or produced is top priorty. If I want to automate that, could I just set some compactors on a high priority, set them to sweep only, and set their contents to algae/slime? Cheers.

Set the Compactor you want to store it in to 7 or higher Priority.  No need to issue Sweep orders.

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4 minutes ago, PhailRaptor said:

Set the Compactor you want to store it in to 7 or higher Priority.  No need to issue Sweep orders.

Will all dupes who have tasks at lower than 7 priority then start sweeping and storing the materials for the Compactor? Or only dupes set to sweep duty? Ta.

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4 minutes ago, Jigsawn said:

Will all dupes who have tasks at lower than 7 priority then start sweeping and storing the materials for the Compactor? Or only dupes set to sweep duty? Ta.

Any who are allowed to do  supply tasks, regardless of job.

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