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Public Mess Tables

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I was wondering if people would be interested in the idea of public mess tables.  I find it fairly silly that they have to run to their assigned table to eat.  I don't know of a cafeteria or mess hall that operates like that.  "I can't eat in the cafeteria because there isn't a table with my name explicitly written on it."  "I can't eat at the place I am running through because the table with my name on it is in another building 5 miles away."  It would allow me to more reasonably create minibases without having to manually reassign the mess tables depending on the jobs. 

Public beds could also be useful for the purpose of minibases, but I think public mess tables make more sense than public beds, as beds and living quarters are more personal than mess halls.  I would still like to see public beds in the game.  You can stop loud sleepers with door controls.

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2 hours ago, The Plum Gate said:

Assignment could be set to public, if not by default. Sort of like toilet permissions.

Maybe the tables are set to public by default, but explicitly assigning it to a dupe gives some sort of bonus to said dupe when they eat. Probably something like reduced stress, a slight buff to resisting disease (since a public table would be less sanitary), or maybe they can finish their meal faster.

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