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Cooling down a room.

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I have this oil refinery I needed to stay cold because before i built it into that room it over heated out in the open. So I thought maybe I could pump cold air in but the thing that cools air pumped through it out puts heat and I wasn't sure where to put it without it over heating. I didn't think of trying the hydro fan but is that reliable?

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I don't think the hydrofan works at the moment - if it does it's incredibly inefficient as it requires a dupe to operate it.

So firstly, I'd suggest trying to have a different gas in that room, co2 isn't great for the type of heat transfer you want.  Oxygen would be better and hydrogen would probably be the best.

An easy, while temporary way to cool a room is to add a compactor full of stuff you've mined from a cold biome (not the ice and snow, but the minerals).  You could use a combination of a cold compactor to bring temps down and wheezeworts to maintain, I'd think.

Otherwise, moving the whole setup into a cold biome is a nice option too.

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