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Hatch feeding maelwood - bad coal output

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Next time, i do the math, before i setup my (working) maelworm farm, "aka" automated hatch feeder.
Was fun to setup, but was not worth the work.
Feeding maelwood to hatches is unbalanced for me. It seems to depend on mass. When hatches turn rock into calories, to produce coal, should the output not be "better"?
I like those beep boop atomation "machines!" but most time, their use is limited and an easy way around (or with a bit dupe labour).
When every rock is crushed or feeded, food would be an alternative.
After i built the feeder, i tested it out with ration boxes..




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Hatches dont give coal if eaten edibles.
Uhh, he did not include that you can use 1 dupe that is idling usually to harvest and to bring meal lice to polluted oxygen place and then rot piles to hatches in a method that i`ve written above, so that hatch does not eat meal lice resulting in coal loss.
And math is simple: meal wood gives 8kgs per 3 days, thats 2,666 kgs per day and quite same amount of coal.

Including fact that food takes some time to rot means that this system needs time to begin producing steady amount of coal.

Also carrying time can decrease coal output by 5% per day, but thats not that crucial. 

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