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The way the game deals with delay

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Hello guys, it's xX_unnactiveuser999_Xx here.

I've been playing Forge for a while and...well, since it's particularly heavier than the normal game(Not sure if whether on the client or server side) I noticed something off with the way the game deals with lag or delays.

A normal online game(or at least I think that's the standard) would work to skip the frames in order to have the client on real time with the server. DST doesnt do that as efficiently(if it does at all).

To try and confirm this, I used the windowed mode and dragged the game screen around. It freezes the game as long as you're holding it, as usual. The thing is, instead of jumping to the time the server is at the moment, it stays on the very frame you froze and goes on from there.....Let me try to work out an example

You're standing somewhere in the map. Then you freeze the screen by dragging it for...say...10 seconds. The logical thing to happen would be having the character standing in the same place once you release the screen and go on with your life like nothing happened. Instead, now there is a 10 seconds delay between your actions and the server's reactions. And it keeps building up delay with no cap with you keep doing something to slow down your client side. 

I did notice the client eventually gets up to date, but it seems it's too slow and can easily be overwhelmed by constant lag or FPS drops. I wonder if having an option for Frame Skips would fix it.


I am not sure if this only happens to me or it's a result of anything on my side, but it really seemed off and I felt like I should somehow explain what I got from it. Tbh I don't even know if this explanation was efficient but....yea

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2 hours ago, landromat said:

try to turn off lag compensation

That makes me stay still for the same amount of time. Lag compensation only removes the movement prediction, that is the thing that allows you to move you character despite standing still due to the delay.

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