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Algae Distiller not working properly

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I have a problem with my two algae distillers. The setup looks like this:

D     D
P     P

D = Distiller

P = Pipe

V = Vent

Everything is connected but the right distiller only works for a moment, then stops pumping while the left one pumps continuously. It looks like the right one can't work because the pipe is full with liquid. But I looked in the wiki and it says one piece of pipe can hold 10 kg/s while the distiller produces 200g of liquid per second. So this shouldn't be a problem. Maybe the vent can't put the liquid through fast enough, but then the pipe should fill over time and both distillers should stop working. Can anyone explain what the issue is and how i set up multiple distillers properly? Extra pipes and vents for every distiller can't be the solution.

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Your diagram looks good, a screenshot might give additional information.  You've verified that the right distiller is filled with slime but won't process it?  so far the behavior you've described could be explained by the right distiller having a lower fill priority and not getting filled with slime.  My next theory is that your diagram is different from the screenshot, because I don't see a reason from the diagram why it's not working.

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The only difference between the diagram and my actuel setup ist that the pipe goes to the left, then a long way down before it goes into the vent. Both should have the same priority and both are filled with slime. I will verify this later and make a screenshot.

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I would say you can make a bug report in the bug tracker thread and upload your save as well. An additional big of pipe for the left one would give it enough of a buffer for the logic to sort it out. It might be a combination of not enough pipe to adequately buffer while you're running at 3x.

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Yea, on second look I realized I never hook up my short connector pipes like that, I always make them at least 1 cell longer by going left or right one space before going down.   Basically that gives you one pipe segment to 'collect' the output, and one pipe segment to merge into the long pipe.  I don't know how the code works exactly, but I know that one extra segment of pipe works for me so far.  The screenshot is an example of the little L-shapes it makes, although this is an input to fertilizer makers not an output and I'm not sure you actually need it for inputs, I know I started doing this because of output troubles first and now honestly I don't know if inputs need it too or not.


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**** the algae distiller man,

4 hours ago, trukogre said:

Yea, on second look I realized I never hook up my short connector pipes like that, I always make them at least 1 cell longer by going left or right one space before going down.   Basically that gives you one pipe segment to 'collect' the output, and one pipe segment to merge into the long pipe.  I don't know how the code works exactly, but I know that one extra segment of pipe works for me so far.  The screenshot is an example of the little L-shapes it makes, although this is an input to fertilizer makers not an output and I'm not sure you actually need it for inputs, I know I started doing this because of output troubles first and now honestly I don't know if inputs need it too or not.


^ What this guy said.  I think the algae distiller on the left needs a longer output pipe. Basically, you're goona kinda want to give them their own separate pipes connecting to the main section  instead of hooking up outputs directly to other outputs.

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