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Those percentages in the Curio Cabinet


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I was wondering why and what do those percentages in the Curio Cabinet show. It!s clearly something with the received skins for the characters, but what exactely? And if we have 5-6 skins per Character, why are those numbers so low (beginning at 7-8%)? Looks as if the other sets (GoH, Survior and Triumphant) were counted too, but why?... 

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These are definitely your skin completion, I do not think there is any merit to it, as there isn't any reward for completion displayed. There is a reward for completing the whole Forge set, which is about 50% of your character completion as we can see on my Winona (only lack 1 piece to complete the set) - the reward is a fist shake emote though, so really not worth the bother.

And yes, The preexisting elegant costumes absolutely are counted in the count. Probably just to piss every collectionist off they can't get them in any reliable way.  Unless of course the earn loot box system replaces the absolute nightmare of random item drops whenever gods see fit with awfully small weekly limit.  


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