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Stuffed Berry

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If I wanna feed colonists with Stuffed Berry's, how many Brestle blossoms/ Pincha Pepperplants farms do I need per colonist?

Life cycle of  Pincha Pepperplants 22 cycles with is givivng 4 Pepernuts

Life cycle of Brestle blossoms 4 cycles with is givivng 1 Brestle berry

To make 1 Stuffed Berry Electric Grill take 2 Brestle berry and 2 Pepernuts.

1 Colonist (normally) need 1kcall per cycle with is right 1 Stuffed Berry per cycle, so:

For 1 colonist I need 2 Brestle berrys and 2 Pepernuts per cycle, so:

1 Pepperplants give you 4/22 = 0,(18) Pepernuts per cycle, to make 2 Pepernuts per cycle we need 2/0,(18)=11 Pepperplants farms for 1 colonist

1 Brestle blossoms give you 1/4 = 0.25 Brestle berry per cycle, to make 2 Brestle berrys per cycle we need 2/0,25=8 Brestle blossoms farms for 1 colonist

Em I calculate it right or I do something wrong, please let me know. Я русский если что....

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Seems right but I can't remember if they changed anything in the oil upgrade.

Mind you, I think the requirements are a bit steep. Over 1000g/s just in clean water (unless you use the valve trick) to feed one dupe. Really makes a class based master and servant dupe society the only viable option. Each dupe noble needs about 6 dupe servants that live on low class food and do all the job in the current version to make any real sense.

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Just make sure you're getting the domestication numbers correct. The real problem is all the other resources that go into producing said food.

The best possible thing to do is look at your reports information and see, on average, how many kcal you are removing each day when you aren't cooking - so stop cooking for a few cycles and have them eat raw food, meal lice, or liceloaf, mush bars, etc. Give yourself a buffer, then you'll know how many kcal per day your colony needs. This can be tricky, so take a high mean average of those numbers and plant for the yield accordingly. You'll want to do this before you start cooking, a lot of the grill opps cause a loss in caloric value - so these add to the kcals removed numbers as well as anything your dupes eat. ..I find it's best to just over do it low quality food in case I get my timing wrong. You can also plant in step so that not everything is coming due at the same time - but that can cause serious hiccups in building projects.

If you don't want them eating your ingredients, then take them off the menu - bristle berry itself has more calories than stuffed berry so you're going to want to pay more attention to you edibles in general, the kcal count will be all over the place when you're cooking...I find this a bit distracting.

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9 minutes ago, The Plum Gate said:

- bristle berry itself has more calories than stuffed berry so you're going to want to pay more attention to you edibles in general, the kcal count will be all over the place when you're cooking...I find this a bit distracting.

By a mile but then again it's the same problem with a lot of cooking in the game. It takes about 3 times as many kcals to produce processed foods instead of raw foods. Which is really strange and illogical because one of the reasons why we process food in real life is because we release more of the bound kcals in the food by processing it.

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Just now, Saturnus said:

By a mile but then again it's the same problem with a lot of cooking in the game. It takes about 3 times as many kcals to produce processed foods instead of raw foods. Which is really strange and illogical because one of the reasons why we process food in real life is because we release more of the bound kcals in the food by processing it.

I agree, there's something missing from the system. I feel like cooking oil could change everything about that but they would have to adjust the output - some change is due for sure, either in duplicant food prefernces, side effects, or all of the above. I think we're seeing easy food right now simply for the purposes of being able to test faster.

In the OU, my dupes were getting diarrhea and other ailments from food - just not too often and not enough to make me change my farming or cooking - and that wan't from food poisoning ( at least I'm pretty sure ) since it was happening even before OU. Right now they just wince and eat.

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