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Cooking needs tweaking?

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So i did the math and if you wanted to feed all your dupes Stuffed Berries every day you would need 7.2 Bristle Berry plants(any yield)  and 5.4 Pincha Peppernut(excellent yield) plants per dupe.

If you had only 10 dupes thatd be a whopping 126 plants. Does this seem a bit excessive to anyone else? 

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14 hours ago, BlueLance said:

I only have 25 Mealwood crops and I do not cook them at all, I have 40 dupes. I do get excellent on them all the time though. But yes I would agree that cooking needs a tweak, just not the way you wanted.

That won't feed 40 dupes, you need ~2 mealwood(good/excellent) per dupes if you're not cooking. ~1 if you are cooking to not lose calories. Sleet grows like all over the place though, so if you're making frost buns thats probably fine. In any case i was mostly speaking to the highend cooking items.  mealwood isnt bad. The excessive calorie reduction from bristle type items though is a bit much imo, it just doesnt seem like the stress reduction from eating high quality foods compensates for the amount of maintenance time spent growing so many plants

2 hours ago, Trego said:

Tell your dupes they'l eat liceloaf on frost bun sandwiches and like it, or you'll turn them into Morbs.

Haha thats what i do, because high end food items are such a time efficiency sink, theres kinda no reason to do it, which is the entire point.

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