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[Problems] Ice Flingomatics

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I've been playing Don't Starve for quite a while, I always see tutorials, and most of them are involving ice flingomatics, being over 50% using bugs. Like the fire farms, food source and other endless materials. I also realized if many things very close to the others on fire, cause a terrible lag and an ice is not enough to erase, I already did a test and had to put 6 ices to extingue a square 10x10 of grass, an unbearable lag when it sets on fire .
One way to solve this problem and to somehow "nerf" the fire farm and decrease the lag is, when something is erased by the ice, have a certain time of immunity against the fire, about 3 seconds, thus avoiding that the fire extinguishes .

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so optimization before mechanic? i'd disagree

if you wanna less lags, then either avoid huge populated\filled areas (heard about walls lags, fire lags, ruin party lags, frog rains ones, even drying racks), get a powerful (only clock matters) or help making the game run parallel, since this is the main issue

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I think you're unaware you're posting in the DST subforum. In Don't Starve Together, fire has been changed to make nearby objects "smolder" instead of straight up burn, which makes making flingos run continuously impossible without a Dwarf Star or a creature that lights nearby objects on fire (such as enraged dragonfly or it's lavae)

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21 minutes ago, Electroely said:

Eu acho que você não sabe que está postando no submundo DST. In Do not Starve Together, o fogo foi alterado para tornar os objetos próximos "ardentes" em vez de queimar diretamente, o que faz a execução de flingos continuamente impossível sem uma Estrela de anões ou uma criatura que ilumina objetos próximos incendiados (como libélula enfurecida ou É lavae)


25 minutes ago, brbrmensch said:

Então otimização antes do mecânico? Eu não concordaria

Se você quer menos atrasos, então evite áreas densamente preenchidas (ouça sobre atrasos de paredes, defasagens de fogo, atrasos de arruinação, chuvas de sapo, até mesmo racks de secagem), obtenha um poderoso (apenas relógios) ou ajude a fazer o jogo correr Paralelo, uma vez que este é o principal problema

Wrong area, was to be in the Don't Starve Single part, sorry. Someone marks some adm, to change the area XD

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