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OnBurnt Modification Only Working With Spawned Trees

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I am trying to cause trees to drop extra charcoal when they burn. Currently, I have an ImproveTree function that sets up more logs on finished chopping and also tries to give more charcoal when the tree is chopped. It works for logs, with all trees dropping extra logs when chopped down, but for some reason I can't figure out, extra charcoal is only being dropped for trees I spawn in, not trees generated at world gen or grown from their seeds. Does anyone know why charcoal isn't working for non-spawned trees?




local function ImproveTree(inst)
	--Do these when the tree is fully chopped
  local seed_chance  = GetModConfigData("treeseedchance", KnownModIndex:GetModActualName("More Drops"))
	local oldonfinish = inst.components.workable.onfinish
	inst.components.workable:SetOnFinishCallback(function(inst, chopper)
		--Drop base logs
    utils.DoTimes(GetModConfigData("extralogs", KnownModIndex:GetModActualName("More Drops")), inst.components.lootdropper.SpawnLootPrefab, inst.components.lootdropper, "log")
		--Have a chance to spawn the appropriate seed item
		if inst.name == "Evergreen" and inst.components.growable.stage ~= 1 then
			if utils.DropLootRandom(inst, "pinecone", seed_chance) then print("Dropped seed") end
		elseif inst.name == "Birchnut Tree" and inst.components.growable.stage ~= 1 then
			if utils.DropLootRandom(inst, "acorn", seed_chance) then print("Dropped seed") end
    elseif inst.name == "Twiggy Tree" and inst.components.growable.stage ~= 1 then
      if utils.DropLootRandom(inst, "twiggy_nut", seed_chance) then print("Dropped seed") end
		--Spawn extra logs for tall trees
		if inst.components.growable.stage == 3 then
			utils.DoTimes(GetModConfigData("extralogstall", KnownModIndex:GetModActualName("More Drops")), inst.components.lootdropper.SpawnLootPrefab, inst.components.lootdropper, "log")
		oldonfinish(inst, chopper)
	--Do these when the tree is burnt
	local oldonburnt = inst.components.burnable.onburnt
		--Drop a charcoal when burnt
    for i = 1, GetModConfigData("extracharcoal", KnownModIndex:GetModActualName("More Drops")) do


Relevant section of modmain:


local trees = {"evergreen", "evergreen_sparse", "deciduoustree", "twiggytree"}
for i,v in pairs(trees) do
	AddPrefabPostInit(v, utils.Bind(utils.RunFunctionServerOnly, ImproveTree))



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Well I am using inst.name so that the seed drops will be applied regardless of stage prefab and only on the growth based on its growth stage because all trees generated in the world are the same base 'evergreen' prefab. But that part of the code is working fine. It's the charcoal-dropping part that doesn't work on world gen-spawned trees, and that's doesn't depends on a check to inst.name.

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Just looking at the evergreens prefabs you're missing quite a few:

tree("evergreen", "normal", 0),
tree("evergreen_normal", "normal", 2),
tree("evergreen_tall", "normal", 3),
tree("evergreen_short", "normal", 1),
tree("evergreen_sparse", "sparse", 0),
tree("evergreen_sparse_normal", "sparse", 2),
tree("evergreen_sparse_tall", "sparse", 3),
tree("evergreen_sparse_short", "sparse", 1),

tree("twiggytree", "twiggy", 0),
tree("twiggy_normal", "twiggy", 2),
tree("twiggy_tall", "twiggy", 3),
tree("twiggy_short", "twiggy", 1),
tree("twiggy_old", "twiggy", 4),

tree("evergreen_burnt", "normal", 0, "burnt"),
tree("evergreen_stump", "normal", 0, "stump")

You might consider just having a generic hook any prefab post init and checking against having the "tree" tag instead for ease and future update portability.

Edited by CarlZalph
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